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他的侮辱仍然使我无法忍受。His slight still sticks in my craw.

嗉囊与砂囊可明显区分。The craw and gizzard could be defined.

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她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw.

这一切都令有些陪审员难以接受。All that appears to have been what stuck in some jurors' craw.

她的成绩不比她哥哥的好,这真使她难以忍受。Her failure to get a better grade than her brother stuck in her craw.

还有一种叫做管叉嗉囊现在,我喜欢钓鱼时使用草。There is also a tube now called a Fork Craw , which I like to use when fishing grass.

据那些和前副总统谈过话的人说,这种转变让切尼难以接受。According to those who have been speaking to the former vice-president, the shift stuck in Cheney's craw.

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母亲们利用她们的小孩挤过众腿之间,来拿他们自己不能靠近的东西。Mothers were using their small children to craw through people's legs and get hold of things they couldn't get near themselves.

提出船舶预防海盗的方法和措施,以保护船舶和人员、财产安全。We Should offer methods and take measures to protect our ship against pirates' attacts so as to secure the safety of craw and property.

上个星期,糖价站上了26年的新高,主张通缩的家伙们无疑挨了一记闷棍,那帮家伙老是担心物价下跌。Last week's 26-year high in the price of sugar must have stuck in the craw of the deflationist camp, those who fear a bout of falling prices.

不过即使这只黑鹰被杀了,还需要从它肚子里取出一只黑蛋,在我的额头上打破这只黑蛋,我的灵魂就会飞走,我就会死去。But if by chance that eagle were slain, a black egg would have to be taken out of its craw and cracked over my brow for my soul to fly away and leave me dead.

家蚕蛾溶茧酶可能来源于下颚、嗉囊和中肠,嗉囊是否具有分泌溶茧酶的能力至今缺乏直接的证据。The origin of cocoonase of silkmoth, Bombyx mori was likely midgut, maxilla, or craw. However, it was absent of direct evidences whether the craw could secret cocoonase.