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在中国的西南一角,这里的人们阔别那片喧嚣安详的活着。Life in the country's south-west glides along rather sedately.

消瘦的妇女们安静的坐在路边出售纺织品和民族手工艺品。Perched sedately on the kerbside, wizened women sell textiles and ethnic handicrafts.

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我们中的大多数人都会因满月静静地从我们的夜空滑过而产生美的感觉。Most of us appreciate the beauty of a full Moon sedately moving across our night skies.

在之后与潜在投资者的会议中,卡普拉都穿得很稳重而且戴上了眼镜。In subsequent meetings with potential investors, Kaplan dressed sedately and wore glasses.

在马车后轮之间,一条瘦骨嶙峋的长腿杂种狗不声不响地跟着。Underneath the wagon, between the hind wheels, a lean and rangy mongrel dog walked sedately.

在马车后轮之间,一条瘦骨嶙峋的长腿杂种狗不声不响地跟着。Underneath the wagon, between the hind wheels, a lean and rangy mongrel dog walked sedately.

这个摆钟建于1849年,外面的这个表盘便是威斯敏特宫的报时钟,面积为23平方英尺。Completed in 1849, the faces on the sedately named Great Clock of Westminster measure 23 feet square.

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好好地坐在车上看起来安全也不会惹人注意。同时也提供安全空间。Sitting sedately on the bike looks safer and reduces unwanted attention. It also provides a built-in safety margin.

执勤的交通警察必须依法履行职责,严格执法,文明执勤,着装整齐,举止端庄。Traffic police on duty shall execute duties according to law, enforce the law strictly, discharge duties civilly, dress neatly, and conduct themselves sedately.

他小心翼翼地擦洗了乔纳森外壳上的每一块甲片——学名“盾甲”,清除掉龟壳上的黑色泥垢和鸟粪,而乔纳森则在一边安静地咀嚼青草。He carefully scrubbed each of the segments of Jonathan's shell, known as scutes, and removed blacksludge and bird droppings while the tortoise sedately chewed on grass.

思嘉知道这些修整工夫是为了让自己像个讲究的上等人模样去见母亲,假装是拜访邻居以后安安稳稳骑马回来的。Scarlett knew these hurried preenings were being made with an eye toward meeting his wife with the appearance of a gentleman who had ridden sedately home from a call on a neighbor.

他发动引擎朝山下驶去,这条路穿行在树林中间,大约行驶了几百码之后,到了一个中型村镇的旁边。Then he put the car into gear and drove sedately down the hill. The road came out from under the trees and, after a few hundred yards, reached the outskirts of a middle?sized village.