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在此基础上列出T值的判别法。Then a discriminatory method for "T-value" is given.

但是,区域贸易协定具有歧视性是不用争辩的事实。However, it is quite clear that RTAs are discriminatory.

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保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory.

反之,不公正或歧视性的法律会破坏公信。Unjust or discriminatory laws, on the other hand, undermine public respect.

第二章主要分析我国公务员招录中存在的歧视性问题。Chapter II mainly analyses the discriminatory questions of recruiting system.

我们的政府和社会将消灭歧视性做法。Our state institutions and our society will stamp out discriminatory practices.

高校工会联盟则指责着装令中可能带有歧视的味道,并且它过于主观。The UCU accused the dress code of being possibly discriminatory and subjective.

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在毫无疑问,这样的公司应该是歧视性的,我们不会接受它。Firms should be in no doubt that it is discriminatory and we will not accept it.

此种倾斜政策迫使私营企业向“影子银行系统”寻求帮助。This discriminatory policy forces private firms to tap the “shadow banking system.

这一原则既适用于歧视性限制措施,也适用于非歧视性限制措施。Both discriminatory and non-discriminatory restrictive measures are covered by the two freedoms.

多年来,美国对中国采取岐视性出口管制政策。The United States has adopted discriminatory export control policies towards China for many years.

单是这样参与者们就会感受到更少的消极性、更少的感受到威胁性、更少的认为自己被差别对待。By doing this alone the participants felt less negativity, less threatened, and less discriminatory.

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与提名日期、费用或交存有关的条件应合理,不得有歧视性。Conditions relating to nomination dates, fees or deposits should be reasonable and not discriminatory.

任何基于种族或是宗教的歧视和诽谤。禁止宣扬仇恨,禁止种族主义。No derogatory or discriminatory remarks based on ethnicity or religion. No hate propoganda, no racism.

但是在2000年的时候,改革派的总统瓦希德废除了许多带有歧视性的法律。But in 2000, Abdurrahman Wahid, a reformist president, scrapped much of the discriminatory legislation.

尽管如此,布雷纳德说,面对不公平和歧视性做法,美国将捍卫自己的权利,要求中国做出改变。Still, Brainard said the U.S. 'will stand up to unfair and discriminatory practices and demand change.'

布鲁克林区长,玛悌-马科维奇宣称这个延期的决定是带有“歧视性”的。The Brooklyn borough president, Marty Markowitz, called the decision to delay the renovations "discriminatory."

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7月份,在外籍人士的强烈抗议中,中国政府撤销了该计划中最堂而皇之的歧视条款。In July, after an outcry from foreigners, it revoked some of the plan’s most blatantly discriminatory provisions.

分机线路是以向每个端口发送有差别的信号的方式服务于两个或两个以上的用户的线路。Party Line is a circuit assigned to serve two or more subscribers with discriminatory signaling for each station.

多数学者也对绿色壁垒持否定态度,强调其“歧视性”、“不公平性”。Most scholars also held a negative attitude towards green barriers, emphasizing its "discriminatory" and "fairness.