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大话西游坑害了我们多少钱?All About West entrap us how much money ?

猎人们以罗网诱捕狮子。The hunters used nets to entrap the lion.

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有意使…陷入圈套或使…迷惑的,如在辩论中。Intended to entrap or confuse, as in an argument.

我不扮演戏台上的国王骗取掌声。I do not personate the stage-play emperor to entrap applause.

警方已经被进一步授权诱捕毒贩。The police have been given extra powers to entrap drug traffickers.

这伙骗子提供假信息坑害顾客。The group of swindlers provided false information to entrap customers.

此外,有什么办法比穿上迷人的服装更能勾引男人呢?Besides, whats better way to entrap a man than to wear an alluring dress?

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废弃的钓鱼线和渔网会困住海洋生物,割伤它们的鳍或扼死它们。Discarded fishing lines or nets entrap sea life, amputating fins or strangling them.

作为有经验的生存专家,他们具备追踪以及设置陷阱伤害和诱陷敌人的能力。Skilled survivalists, they can track enemies or lay traps to damage and entrap their foes.

还有的商家使用做过手脚的计算器和量尺坑害消费者。Still some businessmen use the calculator that has made motion and gage to entrap consumer.

用此杂化膜包埋酪氨酸酶,制备电化学苯酚传感器。The resulting composite film was applied to entrap tyrosinase for fabricating phenol biosensor.

所以,严格地说快乐是鼠笼里的那块肉,是大自然诱捕人类的诱饵。Accordingly joy strictly is the bait that nature uses to entrap human like the meat in rat cage.

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围绕飞速旋转黑洞的吸积盘,因高速旋转而产生的磁力线,俘获等离子体并使它们落向黑洞。The disk around a rapidly spinning black hole has magnetic fieldlines that entrap ionized gas falling toward the black hole.

他表示这次行动是“控制下的运毒”,情报人员假扮毒贩是为了诱捕真正的罪犯。The operation, he said, had been a "controlled delivery", meaning agents had posed as traffickers to entrap the real criminals.

他们可以提供一个内部储藏处使物质由外在稀薄的连续相进入被限制的内相。They can serve as an internal reservoir to entrap matter from the outer diluted continuous phase into the inner confined space.

虽然这个老妇人伪装的非常友好,但是她是一个邪恶的巫婆,用姜饼建造了她的房子用来是诱骗小孩子。But although the old woman pretended to be friendly, she was a wicked witch, who had her house built of gingerbread on purpose to entrap children.

一年之后,陈叶的好友苏明为了替陈叶报仇,找到背信弃义的秦风,将他骗入同一幢别墅。After a year, good friend Su Ming of Chen Xie revenges to replace Chen Xie, find the Qin Feng of break faith with somebody, him entrap is same a villa.

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中世纪以来,欧洲人通常认为是因为女巫或者恶魔坐在人身上,诱捕人的灵魂。More commonly the European view from the Middle Ages was that a witch or other demonic entity was sitting on their bodies and trying to entrap their souls.

这种小规模,传统的打渔方法,相比刺网捕鱼,危害性要小得多。Such small-scale, traditional fishing methods are far less hazardous to botos than the growing use of gill nets, which can entrap and quickly kill dolphins.

利用概率密度技术捕捉声信号的微小变化,能够有效地识别气侵并报警。The possibility density technology was used to entrap a little change of acoustical signal, which can discern the gas incursion and give the alarm efficaciously.