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而对于战场空中遮断的定义并不像这样容易。But battlefield air interdiction is not so crisply defined.

禁毒增加了还是减少了与毒品相关的犯罪?Does Drug Interdiction Increase or Decrease Drug-Related Crime?

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这个字眼有任何其它意义,其它可允许的意义吗?Does the word " interdiction" mean any more, is it any more permitted?

该订单由美国的一个盟国签发,该国将使用该系统执行反恐任务。An ally of the U.S. will use the systems for counter-terror interdiction missions.

通过使用海军能力的在海上一条国家的通讯的线的禁止。The interdiction of a nation's lines of communication at sea by the use of naval power.

尽管多数国家的政府禁止大麻交易,但大麻市场仍然繁荣。the market for marijuana remains vibrant despite interdiction by thegovernments of most nations.

大麻市场尽管由于多数政府的限制却依然很是繁荣。the market for marijuana remains vibrantdespite interdiction by the governments of most nations.

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第四章,重点介绍了“禁付令”的法律基础理论——“欺诈例外”制度。The fourth chapter introduces basic legal theory, "Fraud Exception System" of "Payment Interdiction".

在有关性的禁忌跟其它禁忌的形式之间,有一个重大的差异。There is a very significant difference between interdictions about sexuality and other forms of interdiction.

此外,零部件有政治低姿态,因此也较容易受到政治停职。Furthermore, components have a lower political profile and are therefore less vulnerable to political interdiction.

如果有人驾机参与的纵深遮断具有重大的回报,那也最好是由低可探测度的系统来实施。If deep interdiction by piloted aircraft is genuinely requited , then it may best be undertaken by low-observable systems.

它同样强调了宗教和国际的合作,尤其是在禁止航运上来确保武器不会通过航运到达加沙。It also emphasizes a regional and international cooperation, especially on maritime interdiction to make sure weapons don't reach Gaza by sea.

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靠近飞船的地方,偶尔有些爬行动物会磕磕碰碰地误撞入阻断场,然后尖叫一声,坠入靛青色的迷雾中。Closer to the ship, occasional vague, reptilian shapes would blunder into the interdiction field, cry out, and then crash away through indigo mists.

总而言之,这篇文章尝试从不同的视角检讨有关近距离空中支援和战场空中遮断的话题。In conclusion, this article has attempted to examine the issue of close air support and battlefield air interdiction from a variety of perspectives.

目前,国外成年人监护制度放弃过去的成年人监护模式,以保护制度取代传统民法上的禁治产宣告制度成为通行理念。It has further distanced itself from the old adult guardianship system, substituting the system of interdiction declaration with the system of protection.

利用数值模拟法近似求出子弹落点坐标,运用矩阵仿真法算出封锁型子母弹的封锁概率。The impact coordinate of interdiction submunition was simulated numerically , and the interdiction probability was calculated by matrix simulation method.

综述了近年来抗胆碱能药物设计合成在阻断基团设计、连接基团设计、阳离子头设计方面的研究进展。The progress in devising synthesis of anticholinergic drugs is reviewed in the aspects of interdiction group, link group and cation group with 32 references.

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其工作原理是依靠遮光板遮断或开放发光素子所发出的光路,从而使受光素子的输出信号发生改变。Its working principle is to rely on interdiction or open light shading plate issued by the sub-optical cable, so that by the light bamboo output signal change.

随着网络蠕虫传播时所采用的扫描策略的发展,网络蠕虫的检测、防御和阻断技术也在不断的发展。With the development of the strategies that used in scanning network worm propagation, the technology of detection, recovery and interdiction is developing too.

但是检查是不同于拦截和封锁的,我认为在朝鲜半岛,不同的国家将会以不同方式实施制裁。But inspections is different from interception and interdiction he clarified monday. "I think in that area that different countries will do it in different ways. ""