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那是有叶形饰物之拱门。That is a foiled arch.

他们的企图成了泡影。They were foiled in their attempt.

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他企图欺骗我们,但最终失败了。His attempt to deceive us was foiled.

如果袭击被了阻止或者被延误,又会怎样?What if the attacks had been foiled or bungled?

小偷进屋的企图未能得逞。The thief was foiled in his attempt to enter the house.

但是其他俱乐部的绿色野心有的已经失败了。But the green ambitions of other clubs have been foiled.

数以百万计的乘客计划被打乱或搁延。Millions of passengers have had plans foiled or delayed.

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他们没有说哪一个国家是这起被挫败的恐怖袭击目标。They did not say which country was the target of the foiled plot.

凯丝打算溜到街对面去,可是车辆阻止了她。Kath had tried to slip across the street, but the traffic foiled her.

随之而来的爆炸重创了“破坏者号”,挫败了伦的计划。The resulting explosions crippled the Demolisher, and foiled Ren's plans.

燃料箱传感器的故障导致了本周五发射的延期。A malfunctioning fuel tanks sensor foiled NASA's plans for lift-off Friday.

那个九岁的小男孩挫败了两个骗子向他父母索取赎金的计划。The nine-year-old boy foiled the two cheats' plan to ask his parents for a ransom.

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宋应昌的阴谋被挫败,于是便要求李如松把明朝大军撤回辽东。Song Yingchang was foiled plot, so he asked ru-song li Ming army withdraw liaodong.

阴谋的失败仅仅因为自杀炸弹分子自己的无能和乘客的警觉。The plot was foiled only by the bomber’s own incompetence and some alert passengers.

我国在联合国又一次挫败反华人权提案。China foiled once again the anti-China human rights draft resolution in the United Nations.

在包奇,有报道称警方阻止了不法分子在一个选举中心的纵火行为。In Bauchi, there were reports that police had foiled an arson attack on an election centre.

此官员说飞机乘务组挫败了劫持此飞机的企图。The militants' attempt to hijack the plane was foiled by the flight crew, the official said.

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在他所有的演说中最有名的可能是他对喀提林暴乱所作的演说,最后他镇压了叛乱。Of his speeches, perhaps the best known are those he made against Catiline, whose uprising he foiled.

那架飞机上的乘客据信阻止了企图撞入华盛顿一标志性建筑的阴谋。Passengers on that plane are believed to have foiled a plot to crash it into a landmark in Washington.

爆能枪虽然能造成灼热的震荡波,但无法穿透磁密封装置或偏导护盾。While blasters do deliver a searing concussive blast, they can be foiled by magnetic seals and deflector shields.