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我们睡在悬在房顶下的吊床上。We slept in hammocks slung beneath the roof.

护林员把背包挂在他的肩膀上。The ranger slung the knapsack over his shoulder.

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他把枪一挎,就顺着小径走了。He slung his rifle and struck off down the trail.

他单肩挎着一个绿色的帆布小背包。He had a small green rucksack slung over one shoulder.

最后他只好撤退到自己的房里,把它挂到了空中。Then he had retreated with it to his room and slung it aloft.

建立带吊挂载荷的直升机飞行动力学模型。A helicopter mathematical model with a slung load is described.

一把猎弓和一袋箭囊悬挂在他的马鞍上。A hunting bow and a quiver of arrows were slung from his saddle.

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官僚挑了一只羊,把它甩在肩上就往家里扛。Selecting one, the bureaucrat slung it over his shoulders to carry home.

吊在步行机舱体下面的是一门装在轴上的中型激光炮。Slung beneath the walker's cabin is a pivot-mounted medium laser cannon.

他手臂上挎着一只装鸡蛋用的空篮子,帽子又旧又破。An empty egg-basket was slung upon his arm, and his hat was old and worn.

肩上挂着枪的武装分子带我进入洗劫一空的房子。Armed men led me into my ransacked house, guns slung over their shoulders.

他一只手拄一根拐杖,颜料箱挂在肩膀上。He carried a stick in each hand and slung his box of colours over his shoulder.

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一路上要经过291座架设在峰谷间的桥梁,穿过近100条隧道。Some 291 bridges are slung across gorges and valleys between towering mountains.

一个机动宪兵队队员背着枪在面包店门口执勤。A mobile guard was posted at the door of the shop, a gun slung over his shoulder.

现在他被首个由公正选举产生的政府踢了出来,而该政府的产生也经他同意。He has now been slung out by the first fairly-elected government permitted on his watch.

把毛衣搭在肩膀上,这个中年男人看起来体面而自信。With the sweater slung over his shoulders, the middle-aged man looked smug and confident.

我的天鹅绒连衣裙斜搭在一把蓝色的扶手椅上,上边堆着一条男人的领带。A blue armchairwith my velvet dress slung across it and a man’s tie draped over the dress.

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进化的脊椎动物的背部就像一个水平杆,内脏就悬挂在这水平杆上。The backs of vertebrates evolved as a kind of horizontal pole under which guts were slung.

我有点奇怪他们没有在肩膀上挎着子弹带。I was half surprised they weren't wearing bulletfilled bandoleers slung over the shoulders.

当他把夹克挂在肩上时,他注意到了先前打扰过他的那只乌鸦。As he slung his jacket over his shoulder, he noticed the crow that had disturbed him earlier.