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蠕虫形状的阑尾悬垂于大肠和小肠之间,是有著盲端的湿滑囊腔。The vermiform appendix is a slimy dead-end sac that hangs between the small and large intestines.

子宫内膜异位引致阑尾套叠,是一非常罕见的临床现象。Invagination of the vermiform appendix due to endometriosis is a very uncommon clinical phenomenon.

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比如,它遗留下了令人烦恼的残留物,如隐藏的阑尾。She has left, for instance, some troublesome bits of scaffolding, like the vermiform appendix, behind.

目的探讨三孔缝合打结法在腹腔镜阑尾切除术中的可行性及应用。Methods The root of vermiform appendix was stitched up and enwrapped in laparoscopic appendectomy by silk stitches.

李洪志是十分清楚这一点的。他和他的家人得了病不仅吃药,他本人就去医院动了阑尾切除手术。Li Hongzhi and his family members did take medicine, and he himself had a vermiform appendix excising operation as well.

从草食祖先那里遗传的另一个结构就是阑尾了,它是连接到大肠的一个结构。Another leftover from our plant eating ancestors is the vermiform appendix, which is an organ attached to the large intestine.

用透明胶带法观察蠕形螨在人体面部的寄生、逸出及其在体外的存活能力。Using cellophane method, the parasitism and excursion of vermiform mites on human faces and their survival in vitro were observed.

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用透明胶带法观察蠕形螨在人体面部的寄生、逸出及其在体外的存活能力。The parasitism and excursion of vermiform mites on human faces and their survival in vitro were observed by using the cellophane method.

回肠和阑尾的毛细淋巴管和淋巴管可直接与盲肠的相通。The lymphatic capillary networks and lymphatics of the ileum and the vermiform appendix may directly communicate with those of the cecum.

对于该药的研究,笔者做了四项动物实验及对人体蠕形螨的药敏实验、抗菌实验等。And we have carried out four kinds of animal experiments and the drug sensitivity test as well as antiseptic test of human body′s vermiform mite.

目的调查莆田学院医学院一年级大学生人体蠕形螨的感染情况及分析相关因素。Objective To investigate infectious status of vermiform mites among the freshmen of Putian University Medical College and analyze relevant factors.

标示为“阑尾的过程”,在这个图片,我们现在微小的附录可能有一次,帮助消化,富含纤维素的植物我们灵长类的祖先,据专家。Labeled as the "vermiform process" in this image, our now-tiny appendices may have once aided our primate ancestors with the digestion of cellulose-rich plants, according to experts.

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回顾文献,并讨论有关阑尾套叠的症状、病因、分类、诊断特徵及治疗。In this report, the symptoms, etiologic factors, classfication, diagnostic features, and treatment of invagination of the vermiform appendix are discussed, and the pertinent literature reviewed.