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如果有小词可用,就别使用大词。Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.

露西安娜闪身上了一辆绿色的小型汽车不见了。Luciana vanished aboard one of the diminutive green vehicles.

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尽管马尔济斯犬体型极小,但却似乎不知道害怕。For all his diminutive size, the Maltese seems to be without fear.

达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。For Dallas, the diminutive J.J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.

达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。For Dallas, the diminutive J. J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.

集团的创始人马云,笑言“生意红火”。The group's diminutive founder, Jack Ma, smiles that business is "pretty good".

娅德尔和那位同样绿色皮肤、身材矮小的原力使用者一样,都是绝地委员会的成员。Yaddle sat on the Jedi Council with her fellow green-skinned diminutive Force-user.

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蚜虫吸吮树液的同时,为跟他们身材相仿的蚁农制造糖类产品。As the aphids suck sap, they create sugary produce for their equally diminutive farmers.

个子矮小的人还会发现其他一些会让他们感觉更打不起精神来的科学研究。Diminutive people can find plenty of other scientific reading matter to make them feel—er—lower.

以楔形微体为例给出了描写应力互换定律的一般公式。The general formula to describe the reciprocation law of stress is given with diminutive wedges.

右心室造影显示右心室腔小,流出道正常。Right ventriculography reveals a diminutive right ventricular chamber and a normal outflow tract.

他稍稍搁浅了一下凝聚了自历史进程表己的勇气,之后压向她那娇小的身躯。He paused for a moment while gathering his nerve, and pressed himself against her diminutive form.

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克林顿身高六英尺多,渴望与公众接触,而瘦小的金正日则喜欢避开公众的目光。While one is over 6ft tall and craves public contact, the diminutive Kim shies from the public eye.

还有两张小型的电脑台倒是纯粹,上面各有一台电脑。Still having station of computer of two pieces of diminutive is dinkum , each have a computer above.

作为世界上最伟大的球员,身材矮小的阿根廷人梅西被很多人当作是马拉多纳的接班人。Considered the world's greatest player, the diminutive Argentine is viewed by many as the next Maradona.

现年59岁的海登虽看起来身材矮小,书卷气很浓,但却已显示出愿意挺身而出,与拉姆斯菲尔德交锋的胆魄。Diminutive and bookish in appearance Hayden 59 has already shown himself willing to stand up to10 Rumsfeld.

像其他的日子里,有瘦弱的灵魂的喃喃声以及麻木的女主人的训斥声。Like all other days, there are mumblings of a diminutive soul and admonishments of an insensitive mistress.

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丹江口市位于鄂西北的鄂豫两省交界处,特殊的地理位置造成丹江方言的复杂性。The special geographical position creates the complexity of the diminutive expressions in Danjiang dialect.

身材娇小的著名小说作家阿兰达蒂·罗伊在众多支持者的簇拥下大步走进最高法院。The diminutive figure of aru ndhati roy strode into the supreme court surrounded by dozens of her supporters.

十五个男孩都拿起他们的课本,边敲着小课桌,边整齐大声地读出每一个字母。All fifteen boys pick up their textbooks and thump their diminutive desks as they yell out each letter in unison.