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但这是大卫、约伯或是哈巴谷做过的吗?Is that what David, Job or Habakkuk did?

谁会关于哈巴谷进行一系列的讲道?Who teaches a sermon series on Habakkuk?

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先知哈巴谷所得的默示。The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.

先知哈巴谷的祷告,调用流离歌。A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet upon Shigionoth.

哈巴谷也像很多信徒一样,诚恳地向上帝问了一些问题。Like many believers, Habakkuk had some sincere questions that he asked the Lord.

很明显的,先知哈巴谷并未久等不到上帝的回答。It appears that the prophet Habakkuk did not have to wait long before the Lord answered.

像约伯和摩西,都曾找上帝理论,此外还有哈巴谷、耶利米,以及许多不知名的诗篇作者。Job and Moses had it out with God, as did Habakkuk , Jeremiah, and many of the unnamed psalmists.

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上帝满有恩慈地回覆哈巴谷,要他用更宽广的心胸和眼光去看事情。In the Lord's most gracious answer, Habakkuk is asked to broaden his limited and narrow-minded perspective.

哈巴谷虽不明白上帝的道路,他仍承认永生上帝是圣洁而公平的。Although Habakkuk did not understand the Lord's ways, he acknowledged that the eternal God is holy and just.

虔诚的我们想要因为哈巴谷信心的缺乏而责备他,还想告诉他安静点,神自有他的旨意。The pious in us want to scold Habakkuk for his lack of faith and tell him to be quiet and that God has a plan.

先知哈巴谷向上帝埋怨又问讲是怎样一个这麽仁慈有公义的上帝会允许衪的子民被残杀?Prophet Habakkuk complained to God and asked how can a God who is just and compassionate allow his people to be slaughtered?

当神允许我们挥舞着拳头向他质问时,他也在质问我们对于他救赎的信心。While God allows questions from us – sometimes with our fists raised, like Habakkuk – we are challenged to have faith in His deliverance.

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我们可以选择假装什么问题都没有地继续生活,也可以选择诚实地面对我们心中的疑惑,就像大卫、约伯和哈巴谷那样。We can just continue to go through life pretending we have everything together, or we can be honest as David, Job and Habakkuk were about our doubts.

哈巴谷为耶路撒冷的毁灭痛彻心扉,我们则恐惧失去工作、财富及失却全球经济螺旋上升的希望。While Habakkuk anguished over the destruction of Jerusalem and we fear for the losing of jobs, wealth, and the spiraling global economy, in actuality, the difference could be a matter of time.

当哈巴谷目睹他那时代的境况,眼见不公义和暴力横行肆虐,便深信「公理永远也不会显明」,神对子民的旨意,似乎落空了。When Habakkuk looked at the situation of his day, he saw injustice and violence. He became convinced that "justice never prevails. " It seemed as if God's purpose for his people had fizzled out.