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详细增肥方法。Fertilization methods in detail.

齿蕊十大功劳属珠孔受精。The fertilization of Mahonia leveilleana Schneid.

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授粉后6天开始出现双受精作用。Fertilization started at the 6th days after pollination.

开花结果期宜少灌水施肥。Flowering period should be few irrigation fertilization.

施完螯合铁肥后用清水漂洗叶子。After Fe-Chelate fertilization rinse the leafs with water.

双受精过程属有丝分裂前配子融合类型。Double fertilization is the type of the Premitotic syngamy.

施氮后籽粒产量极显著增加。Nitrogen fertilization increased grain yield significantly.

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双受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。The double fertilization is the type of Premitotic syngamy.

受精时间大概和精子存活时间一样长。Fertilization is possible as long as the sperm remain alive.

在卵受精后第1天和第4天分别到达囊胚期和原肠期。Blastula and gastrulae arrived 1 and 4 d after fertilization.

体外受精,能产生自由活动的浮浪幼虫。Fertilization is external, producing free-living planula larva.

种植白芷要特别加强施肥管理。Fertilization requires special attention when growing angelica.

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玉米双受精属于有丝分裂前配子融合的类型。The double fertilization is the type of the premitotic syngamy.

不同立地条件其施肥效果存在一定的差异。Difference existed on fertilization of different site conditions.

低光植物一年只需要1至2次施肥。Low-light plants only require fertilization once or twice a year.

施氮可显著提高花生子仁营养品质。N fertilization could improve the nutritional value of peanut seeds.

卵上的红带表示卵受精后的化学反应。The red band signals a chemical reaction that follows fertilization.

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偶然会没有受精,甚至做胞浆内精子注射也没能受精。Occasionally, fertilization does not occur at all, even if ICSI was used.

至少在医学上,受精并不意味着怀孕的开始。Medically, at least, fertilization does not mark the beginning of pregnancy.

结果表明,滴灌随水追肥技术有明显的增产节肥作用。Results showed that drip fertilization had the significant effects on yield.