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陶醉于“可能性游戏”Revel in the “game of maybe”

年轻小伙子特别喜欢干有危险性的苦差事。Young men revel in doing dangerous tasks.

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有些人好像总是喜欢惹人烦。Some people seem to revel in annoying others.

在你仍然能够这样做的时候纵情于性的模式化观念。Revel in gender stereotypes while you still can.

然而我们似乎还在乐于高估中国。And yet we seem to revel in overestimating China.

在这样的背景下,随机或随缘都是一种托词。In this context, random or revel is a kind of excuse.

我们陶醉于我们相信自己在他们之上。We revel in the power we believe we have over others.

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右派也不会对工人阶层所处的窘境而欢欣。Rightists don’t revel in the plight of workers either.

恶作鬼和受骗精请注意!愚人节来啦!Jokers Revel and Gullible Beware! It's April Fools' Day!

涧边牛羊饮,石上野猿狂。Cattle and sheep drink at creeks, monkeys revel on rocks.

他唱歌时自我陶醉的样子真可笑。To revel in conceit or self-importance, usually insensibly.

晚上,钟楠还陶醉在今天龙抱自己的场面。At night, Zhong Nan also revel in the dragon today own scenes.

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事实上这其实很好,你可以跟客户像朋友那样聊天。Revel in the fact that you can talk to customers like a friend.

去钱柜KTV,让您在自己的歌声里陶醉。Go to Cashbox KTV, allow you to revel in their own voice inside.

里约热内卢的享乐主义者尽情享受世界最著名的狂欢节。Rio de Janeiro’s hedonists revel in the world’s most famous carnival.

大请早的就跟爸爸一起去踏雪,满山片野的全是白茫茫的一片!Stepped on the voice of snow! Like a perfect piece to let me revel in!

很多家庭已经好几代人聚集在这儿以便陶醉在这真正的荒野当中。Families have gathered here for generations to revel in true wilderness.

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如果你想要通过自省揭示自私自利的想法,潜藏的危险更大。The dangers of introspection exist mostly if he is to revel in egoistic thoughts.

笑着面对生活,始终不抱怨。悠然,随心,随性,随缘。Smile in the face of life, always do not complain. Leisurely, heart, casual, revel.

上升天秤的你喜欢参加聚会,喜爱度假并且十分享受其中的乐趣。Parties, holidays, laughter, fun, and good times are what Libra Ascendants revel in.