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那艘船沈下去了。The boat went under.

你现在被逮捕了。You are under arrest.

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我在怪物的下面。I’m under the monster.

支持的顶下。Support under the top.

吸沙发下的灰尘?Vacuum under the sofa?

车篷下有什么?What's under the hood?

她正在进行治疗。She is under treatment.

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那个树下的男孩。The boy under the tree.

那只猫在树下。The cat under the tree.

她钻到被单下。She got under the sheet.

断桥是否下过雪?Bridge is under the snow?

咱们坐在树底下。Let's sit under the tree.

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她一哭就在柳树下。She cried under a willow.

一切都抵不过,我爱你。Under it all, I love you.

写累了,就睡下。Write tired, sleep under.

在那杨柳依依的树阴。All under the willow-tree.

现在两者均面临威胁。Both are now under threat.

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它躲在一片大叶子下面。He hides under a big leaf.

去下桥。我走在桥下。I walked under the bridge.

她坐在一把伞下。She sat under an umbrella.