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你看上去心虚喜悦。You look guilty.

背负着俗世的浮尘和愧罪。Guilty of dust and sin.

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约拿书感到非常心虚。Jonah felt very guilty.

斯潘塞,亏心的那个。Spencer, the guilty one.

他们为什么有罪恶感?Why do they feel guilty?

他因抱怨而感到内疚。He was guilty of dripping.

倾向于感到罪恶感。Tends to feel guilty. 057.

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他一定觉得良心不安。He must feel really guilty.

我一直强调说,艾文斯并没有罪。I'm not saying he's guilty.

她提出无罪抗辩。She put in a plea of guilty.

他的窃盗罪名成立。He was proved guilty of steal.

是的,我对此也有愧疚感。So yes, I’m guilty about that.

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一项罪恶的策划已出台。A guilty plan has been schemed.

我将其称之为内疚的快乐。I call this my guilty pleasure.

恶有恶报,终将付出代价。One by one, the guilty will pay.

她被判偷窃罪。She was found guilty of stealing.

陪审团认定吉迪恩无罪。The jury found Gideon not guilty.

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这跳蚤又是何罪之有呢?Wherein could this flea guilty be.

所有刑事原告暗示不伏罪。All the accused pleaded not guilty.

她量他不敢证明她有罪。She defied him to prove her guilty.