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传统犁地刀的圆盘是直的那种圆盘。The coulter disks on traditional plows are straight disks.

同时,真实世界中,古德温拔掉了插头,科特尔死了。At the same time, in the "real world" Goodwin has pulled the plug on Coulter and he has died.

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人表皮细胞NHEK945增生采用MTT测定法和细胞计数仪直接计数法。NHEK945 proliferation was assessed by MTT assay and direct cell count with a Coulter Counter.

评价库尔特STKS全自动血球分析仪测定血小板的性能。Evaluates the performance for COULTER STKS fully automatic haemacytometer analyzer to assay blood platelet.

布什的书将由肖恩·德斯蒙德编辑,他曾为一些保守主义的作家如帕特·布坎南、安·库尔特等担任编辑。Bush will be edited by Sean Desmond, who has had edited such conservative authors as Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter.

有趣的是,Coulter没有在麦当劳工作有六个月了,因为他找不到工作。Jokes aside, Coulter didn\\\\\\\'t work at McDonald\\\\\\\'s for six months because he couldn\\\\\\\'t find a job.

对圆盘开沟器扰动土壤的作用域进行了分析,建立了圆盘开沟器的受力模型。This paper set up a dynamic model of soil range to be moved and develops a mathematical model of disc coulter force.

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当她二月份刚来的时候,Coulter看到的是一所几乎没有任何资源,也没有接触到最新研究成果的学校。When she arrived in February, Coulter found a school with almost no resources and without access to the latest research.

私募股权巨头大卫·邦德曼和吉姆·库尔特都曾在巴斯家族的私人投资部门效力。Private equity mavens David Bonderman and Jim Coulter met in the offices of the Bass family's private investment vehicle.

而当它们通过通道后,它们能阻止质子流,导致了目前已知的科尔特效果短暂中断。While they travel across the channel, they block protons from flowing, leading to a brief disruption in current known as the Coulter effect.

为此,在国内首次研发了适合于这种模式的前限深圆盘破茬后水平圆盘清垄的独特结构。The unique structure of smooth and depth disc coulter combined with horizontal disc cleaning residues for the mode is first researched in China.

双向耕耙犁刀齿辊液力驱动机构属于耕整地农具上的一个总成。A hydraulic driving system for bidirectional plow rake cutting coulter tooth roll belongs to an assembly on the agricultural implement of plows and soil tillage.

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结合试验研究结果,分析了圆盘参数、工作速度、土壤特性和表面材料等对圆盘受力的影响规律。The influence of disc dimension parameters, velocity, soil properties, tool surface properties on the disc coulter force were analysed by comparison with the experimental results.

结论血液学分析仪LH-750对NRBC分析结果准确、快速,有助于一些血液病及肿瘤化疗患者的筛查与诊断。Conclusion The NRBC counting by the COULTER LH-750 blood cell analyzer is accurate, quick and helpful to the screening and diagnosis of some hematological and tumorous chemotherapy patients.