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我吐出嘴里的头发。And I spat out hair.

我的猫向一只狗呜呜地低鸣。My cat spat at a dog.

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他把痰吐到河里。He spat into the river.

那猫向狗怒叫。The cat spat at the dog.

托德向休啐了一口唾沫。Todd spat in Hugh's face.

他往那人脸上啐唾沫。He spat in the man's face.

机关枪吐著火舌。The machine-guns spat fire.

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阿不福思朝火里啐了一口。Aberforth spat into the fire.

“他朝你吐唾沫。”哈利说。"He spat at you, " said Harry.

巴斯福德对他的挑战表示蔑视。Bassford spat on his challenge.

一口血从他的嘴里吐了出来。The blood was spat out of his mouth.

乒乒两枪,他应声倒地身亡。The gun spat twice and he fell dead.

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围观者们齐向这个小偷身上吐唾沫。The on-lookers all spat on the thief.

他把早晨吃的东西全都吐了出来。He spat up what he had in the morning.

老李随即啐了一口吐沫在酒吧的一扇窗户上。Mr. Munson spat on one of the windows.

我差点把嘴里的牛排喷出来了。I nearly spat out my steak in my mouth.

他刚从我家离去,外面就下起了小雨。It spat rain out when he left my house.

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婴儿把食物吐到桌子上了。The baby spat its food out on the table.

吞下石羊的武大狼口吐白沫,死了。Warrior wolf spat out white foams and died.

威利看了他一眼,朝身旁啐了一口。Willie looked at him and spat over the side.