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提出了机翼型叶轮的改造问题。Transformative problem of aerofoil impeller is put forward.

通过本实验,可以测得某一特定实验机翼的升力特性和阻力特性。It may obtain a special experiment aerofoil lift-drag force characteristic with this test.

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应用该结构模型可以很好的模拟机翼结构的实际情况。With use of this structure model, we can simulate the real performance of aerofoil very well.

基于第二代YQH-100油气混输泵叶轮的基本参数,对叶轮的翼型参数进行了优化设计。Optimal design on aerofoil parameter of impeller is made based on the second YQH-100 oil-gas pump.

其工程上的设计方法比较单一,普遍采用的方法是孤立叶型法和叶栅法。The most popular design methods of the axial fan are the Single Aerofoil Method and the Cascade Method.

提供上流执行的可调整的沥青机翼叶轮在PAG,铝,钢和不锈钢。Provided with high performing adjustable pitch aerofoil impellers in PAG, aluminum, steel and stainless steel.

利用计算机来辅助叶片叶展形状的修正和构造翼型曲线的模拟函数。The author modifies spanwise shape and makes the analog function of the aerofoil curve by use of the computer.

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蛇形蜷曲的机翼设计用来面对空中的较小风力去产生一个较小的升力。The serpentine aerofoil shape is designed to face into what little wind there is, generating a small amount of lift.

在斜板表面和常规平板表面上运动的机翼的气动力性能有所不同。The aerodynamic characteristic of moving aerofoil on the surface of inclined plate and of ordinary plane varies much.

针对传统机翼壁板铆接过程中托架调平所存在的问题,提出一种基于有限曲面加工区域的三点调平算法。A new algorithm is presented for position regulating of aerofoil bracket on an automatic drilling and riveting machine.

虽然机翼的形状能够提供升力,飞机员还是需要调节通过其上的气流以达到控制飞机的目的。Although its aerofoil shape provides lift, a pilot needs to regulate the airflow over it in order to control the aircraft.

为机翼结构的可靠性分析和损伤容限设计提供了比较有价值的力学分析手段。A good mechanics analysis approach was presented for reliability analysis and damage tolerance design of aerofoil structure.

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试验中进行了扑动频率、风速、迎角、机翼平面形状、翼型弯度对机翼气动特性影响的研究。The effects of flapping frequency, wind velocity, angle of attack, plane shape of wing and cambered aerofoil are investigated.

桥面是桥路面合一支架结构的翼型钢箱梁,其中钢箱支持着突梁上的自行车道和人行道。The deck is an orthotropic steel box girder of aerofoil shape with cantilevered cycle tracks and footway supported from the box.

本文用H型网格和特殊的差分格式数值求解了粘性不可压缩叶型绕流。The numerical solution of incompressible viscous flow over an aerofoil is obtained by H-type grids and a special difference scheme.

采用粒子群算法对复合材料机翼结构进行布局优化求解。By adopting the particle swarm algorithm the optimal solution on the layout of composite material aerofoil structure was carried out.

根据理论分析法,结合经验数据,分别推导出按拉应力或压应力的机翼型、弓型螺旋桨各强度校核公式与计算叶根处厚度公式。Formulae for checking the strength of propeller with aerofoil and circular back sections are derived on the basis of analysis and empirical data.

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在合理布置的情况下,双文丘利和机翼这两种测风装置都可以满足锅炉机组对风量测量的控制要求。The Double-Venturi wind-measuring device and aerofoil can meet the air quantity controlling requirements of the boiler under the reasonable collocation.

增压连续式跨音速风洞在我国尚属首例,是具有国际先进水平的大型高速翼型风洞。Pressurizing, continuous and transonic wind tunnel is the first one in our country , and it is the world's first class tremendous high- speed aerofoil wind.

本文旨在研究设计一种新型风机叶片,在该新型风机叶栅通道内,能够形成一种阻止被输送介质中的固体颗粒与叶轮叶片接触的理想空气动力场。In this paper, the theory of Air-cushion anti-erosion was advanced and a new type of fan aerofoil was designed , and it achieved the national new practical patent.