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完美的话甚至是一个参与性运动。Ideally even a participation sport.

中央银行可以理想地拒绝。The central bank would ideally say no.

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理想的齿抿合和下额是深色的或黑色的。Ideally gums and palate are dark or black.

与海鲜、鸡肉及意面搭配十分鲜美。Ideally suited to seafood, chicken, pasta.

学会喜欢并且理想化的爱自己。Learn to like and ideally to love yourself.

理想的,这个行动是他们能够当场进行的。Ideally this is an action they can take on the spot.

理想情况下,在某个时间点可能还会关闭煤炭以及燃煤电厂。and ideally at some point coal, coal-fire power plants.

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室外用的餐具最好是打不破的。Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.

它非常适合用于高速光电二极管应用。It is ideally suited for high-speed photodiode applications.

细高的皮尔森酒杯是盛放它的理想容器。They are ideally served in tall and slender pilsner glasses.

这个方法理想上适用于高低不平或山地平台。This method is ideally suited to rough or mountainous terrain.

应该会,这会让所有人去点兽王51么?Probably. Does it make the 51-point talent mandatory?Ideally not.

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客户端发送请求,理想状态下可能直接收到回应。Client sends requests, ideally receives response on the backchannel

这款重力灌装机应用于薄的,泡沫式产品。Gravity filling systems are ideally suited for thin, foamy products.

通心粉,皮萨,烤牛排,烤肉。Ideally served with pasta, pizza, grilled steak, roasts and barbeques.

让我们进入一个小的情境,看看它们如何理想地展开,好吗?Let's put in a mini situation and see how that ideally unfolds, right?

理想的情况下,我认为两者应当相互混合——以一个合适的比例。Ideally I think should have some of each mixed in, in good proportions.

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理想地油门控制应该再次使用以保持车辆的飘移。Ideally the throttle should then be re-applied to keep the car sliding.

每个“关注点”应该伴随一个描述性的标题。Each focus point should ideally be accompanied by a descriptive heading.

找些事来填充那段时间,一些完美地远离电视的事物。Find something to occupy that time, and ideally something away from the TV.