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文章就脑血运重建术的应用现状进行综述。This article reviews the present application situation of the revascularization.

血管再形成术是一种让阻塞的血管重新开通的手术。Revascularization refers to procedures designed to re-open blocked blood vessels.

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结果41例患者接受血运重建术,29例患者接受内科保守治疗。Results 41 patients underwent revascularization and 29 patients by medical treatment.

治疗包括入路选择、闭塞段的开通和再血管化。The method includes acess selecting, recanalization of occlusions and revascularization.

下一世纪的血运重建临床和基础研究将重点围绕以下四个领域展开。The next century revascularization clinical and basic research will focus on four areas.

而6例行血管成形术患者中无一例发生脑血管事件。No cerebrovascular event occurred in the 6 patients who underwent surgical revascularization.

所有造成死亡或经受心肌血运重建术被认为是竞争的风险事件。All-cause death and undergoing revascularization procedures were considered competing risk events.

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该研究报告称随着血管再灌注时间的延长,脑中风的危险性也增加。As the time to revascularization therapy increased, the stroke risk also rose, the report indicates.

两种药物涂层组靶血管病变的发生率均显著下降。Both drug-eluting stents were associated with a marked reduction in target-lesion revascularization.

故使用体外膜氧合可做血行动力支持以利血管再通及回复休克所引起的器官伤害。The use of ECMO can support hemodynamics for revascularization and reverse shock-induced organ damage.

动脉造影是重建手术成功的必要保证。Arteriography is essential for revascularization and properly planning a practicable surgical approach.

因此,长波长的远红外激光是激光心肌血管重建术的理想选择。Hence far-infrared laser with long wavelength is a ideal choice for transmyocardial laser revascularization.

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早期再血管化在改善STEMI和NSTEMI的长期结果方面结果相似。Early revascularization was associated with a similar improvement in long-term outcomes for both STEMI and NSTEMI.

血运重建策略的选择应综合考虑所有这些临床、解剖和操作因素。All these clinical, anatomic, and procedural variables influence decisions regarding the revascularization strategy.

目的探讨同种异体气管移植再血管化与再上皮细胞化的研究进展。Objective To study the research advance in tracheal allografts undergoing revascularization and reepithelialization.

目的评估非体外循环双侧乳内动脉完全心肌血运重建治疗的效果。Objective To evaluate the early outcome of off-pump total arterial revascularization using bilateral IMA with "Y" manner.

我们姑且在此假定,血运重建在这种情况下几乎全部解决了患者心律失常的症状。We have all be postulating how revascularization in this setting resulted in nearly full resolution of his arrhythmic symptoms.

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心肌梗死以后血管再通的时间和方式对脑中风的危险性具有一定影响。直到最近还没有研究关注这一方面。The timing and type of coronary revascularization may play a role in the stroke risk, but until now no studies have looked at this.

此外,两组在随访期间支架内再阻塞和靶器官血管再通的机率相似。In addition, in-stent late lumen loss and target vessel revascularization rate in the follow-up period were similar in the 2 groups.

复合终点为初次致命或非致命性冠状动脉事件、卒中和血管重建。Main Outcome Measures The primary end point was a composite of initial fatal or nonfatal coronary event or stroke or revascularization.