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聂,你说什么我要说的,但更雄辩。Nik, You said what I wanted to say, but more eloquently.

正如西塞罗所描绘的,“他把哲学从天上拉了下来。”As Cicero eloquently put it, "He brought philosophy down from the skies.

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当一个书写员如此记录,你收到的是一个充满了祷告的口袋。One receives a pocket full of mumbles as one writer so eloquently noted.

正如斯蒂芬Heppell生动的说明,这是一个“几乎现在”的世界。It is, as Stephen Heppell so eloquently puts it, the world of "nearly now".

希刺克厉夫知道,他为了要凯瑟琳作伴是能够娓娓动听地央求的。Heathcliff knew he could plead eloquently enough for Catherine's company, then.

在这次会议上,顾拜旦滔滔不绝地阐述了奥运会的恢复。At this meeting, Coubertin eloquently spoke of the revival of the Olympic Games.

苏菲诗人鲁米,雄辩地说把它当成一个空心的芦苇打了这一点。The Sufi poet, Rumi, eloquently speaks of this as being played like a hollow reed.

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在这样的情况下,哑巴都会开口雄辩,”瘸子会像鹿儿般欢跃”起来。In a case like that the dumb might eloquently speak and the "lame man leap as an hart."

艾伦.瓦茨第一章“东方哲学的切实相关性”中令人信服地回答了这个问题。Alan Watts answers these questions eloquently in "The Relevance of Oriental Philosophy."

总统“雄辩”地说,他们的电费将会飞涨。As the president eloquently puts it, their electricity bills will "necessarily skyrocket".

每次我们向北越投掷炸弹,布什总统都在意味深长的谈论和平。Every time we drop our bombs in North Vietnam, President Johnson talks eloquently about peace.

我很喜欢现代艺术,挺好的。但是我不能像其他人那样流利地说出艺术品的所以然来。I enjoyed it. It was nice, but I could not speak eloquently about the pieces like everyone else.

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不过,霍夫曼也在他的书中雄辩地指出,世界上绝大多数人都是这样旅行的。But as Hoffman details so eloquently in his book, this is how most of the world’s population travels.

诺斯中校,你常在这儿振振有辞地谈论在尼加拉瓜实现民主的必要性。Colonel North, you talked here often and eloquently about the need for a democratic outcome in Nicaragua.

桌布的风采能否发挥得淋漓尽致,全在于您的巧思、创意与搭配应用。Tablecloths whether the style eloquently throughout your wisdom lies, creativity and mix of applications.

本生故事详尽阐释了这些价值观,有利人类和谐共处、愉快生活、繁荣进步。Jataka stories speak eloquently of those human values, which contribute, to harmony, pleasure and progress.

强盗银行家的现象已经有力地证明,人类对于不公平是敏感至极的。AS THE bankster phenomenon has so eloquently illustrated, Homo sapiens is exquisitely sensitive to injustice.

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“这是一个口吃的人谁,雄辩地黄金之夜”宣布该基金会的总裁,简弗雷泽。"It is an eloquently golden night for people who stutter, " proclaimed the foundation's president, Jane Fraser.

但是这个泡菜坛却教给了我这些美德,它的说服力远远胜过华丽的辞藻。The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done.

但当这两个女人积极谈论她们所举办这些活动的动机的时候,这些形象同样也代表了她们自己。But while both women talk eloquently about the motivation behind their work, the images really speak for themselves.