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海洋植物多半只能生活在透光层里。Most marine plants can live only in the photic zone.

目的建立大鼠视网膜光损伤模型。Objective To establish retinal photic injury model of rat.

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磁流体磁光特性的研究及其应用。Photic birefringence effect of magnetic fluid in magnetic field.

典型X线表现为气球状囊样透光区,骨皮质薄如蛋壳。X-ray presented with the balloon-like photic zone and very thin cortical bone.

日照时间和光照强度也可以影响透光层的深度。Day length and insolation intensity also controls the extent of the photic zone.

本文采用光杠杆法对非织造土工布蠕变量进行测试。The creep strain of nonwoven geotextiles is measured by using the method of photic leverage.

结论辅酶Q10对光损伤引起的视网膜损害及视细胞凋亡有较好的防护作用。Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in preventing the photic injury of retina and optic cell apoptosis.

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分析了泵浦光强对激光相位共轭谐振腔中探测光场的作用。Effect of the pumping intensity to detecting photic field in laser phase-conjugate resonator is analysed.

结论辅酶Q10对光损伤引起的视网膜损害及视细胞凋亡有较好的防护作用。Conclusion Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in preventing the photic injury of retina and optic cell apoptosis.

目的观察辅酶Q10对实验性大鼠视网膜光损伤的防护作用及其机制。Objective To explore the protective mechanism and effect of coenzyme Q10 on the retinal photic injury in experimental rats.

另一个理论认为,把鼻子眼泪通过鼻泪管泄漏是一种光的反射引起喷嚏。Another theory suggests that tears leaking into the nose through the nasolacrimal duct are a cause of the photic sneeze reflex.

目的从天然产物中提取黑米、苋菜红、葡萄红这三种花青素类色素,并比较它们的光稳定性。Objective To study and compare photic stabilities among extracted black rice, amaranth and grape pigment from natural products.

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说明电针和8-OH-DPAT均能使5-HT7受体的亲和力增强,而光脉冲刺激则可抑制其亲和力。It means that electro-acupuncture and system injecting 8-OH-DPAT improved affinity of 5-HT7 receptors but photic stimuli decreased it in.

由于住宅是人们休息的主要场所,因此住宅室内声环境和光环境有着举足轻重的作用。Because of residential building is the main location for peoples rest, thus the residential indoor sonic and photic environment is significant.

结果表明,导纳统一算符的分析方法不仅运用于集成电路,也运用于集成光路。It can be concluded that the unifying admittance operator is compatible not only with integrated circuits but also with photic integrated circuits.

考试应激对高中生心理的影响主要表现在焦虑、抑郁、偏执、强迫、恐怖、睡眠和饮食方面。The effect of test stress on mental health consist in anxiety, depression, paranoid ideation, obsessive-compulsive, photic anxiety, sleep and diet.

条件刺激与非条件刺激结合8—15次后出现条件反射,结合30—40次后条件反射趋向巩固。After 8—15 applications of the photic stimulus with reinforcement the conditioned motor response appeared, and after 30—40 applications it was stabilized.

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方法光敏电阻光强比较与精确数据处理相结合。MethodsThe principle of the comparison of the photic intensities that the two photoresistors incept is adopted, and is combined with precise data processing.

用于机载头盔系统作终端显示或用于光信息处理系统中,作光电转换器件,也可用作其它信息显示。It is used in aviation helmet system as display terminal in the photic information dealing system. It is photic switch element and for other information's display.

随着信息社会的发展,人们对显示、数据存储、能源等方面的光学和电子器件的要求越来越高。With the development of modern information society, the requirement of electronic and photic devices such as display , data storage and energy are more and more critical.