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我的建议?My suggestion?

这是一种表达建议的方式。It's a suggestion.

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员工意见箱。Staff suggestion box.

摈弃意见箱。Ditch the suggestion box.

他拒绝了我的建议。He rejected my suggestion.

我不同意他的建议。I rejected his suggestion.

他提出的办法是行得通的。His suggestion is workable.

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你有什么好建议吗?Do you have good suggestion?

他用鼻音讲出自己的建议。He twanged out his suggestion.

但我们有一个更好的建议。We’ve got a better suggestion.

他提出的办法是行不通的。His suggestion is not workable.

他们对我们的建议置之不理。They fobbed off our suggestion.

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小杨提了一个建议。Xiao Yang offered a suggestion.

那么你的建议是什么?So what is your suggestion then?

我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议。We value your suggestion highly.

这是我的结论性建议。This is my concluding suggestion.

他的建议似有诈。His suggestion smells of trickery.

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对于主菜有什么建议呢?Any Suggestion for the main Course?

想买把手锯用来锯木。有咩好介绍?Any good suggestion for a wood saw?

他完全不顾凯的提议。Completely ignoring her suggestion.