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退休以后,他有足够的时间来回想回想过去。After retirement, he has enough time to chew the cud of his past.

河马不反刍,这意味着他们不咀嚼反刍。Hippos do not ruminate, which means that they do not chew their cud.

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我将不再反复地思考命运给我们的不幸。I will no longer chew the cud of misfortune that Fate ekes out to us.

我们需要再召开一些会议,深思一些艰难的决定。Eg. We needed a few more meetings to chew the cud on some tough decisions.

他坐在池塘旁边,仔细玩味着经理对他的批评。He sat by the pond chewing the cud of the criticisms coming from his manager.

我反复思考了二三天后才决定拒绝你的提议。Eg. I chewed the cud for a couple of days before deciding to refuse your offer.

目前,迪拜加拿大大学CUD有在校学生来自超过86国家,超过1,755学生。At present, CUD serves more than 1,755 students from more than 86 nationalities.

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6凡分蹄成为两瓣、又倒嚼的走兽、你们都可以吃。You may eat any animal that has a split hoof divided in two and that chews the cud.

我坐在桌边,皱起眉头看着色彩多样的桌布,清醒的嚼着苦涩的食物。I sat there frowning at the checkered table-cloth, chewing the bitter cud of hindsight.

但那倒嚼、分蹄之中不可吃的、是骆驼、为倒嚼不分蹄、与你们不洁净。You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud.

总结微波治疗口腔粘液腺囊肿的经验,探讨治疗口腔粘液腺囊肿的方法。To sum up the methods of treating patients of cyst of cud mucous by poly-function microwave apparatus.

压碎机反刍的铁渣后来被回收工厂吞食,而排泄出来以后,说不定就成了盖房顶的星铁板。The crusher's ejected iron cud is later swallowed by a recycling factory and excreted as, say, galvanized roofing.

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在深及膝盖的草中咀嚼反刍食物的母牛非常满足,但我们在一无所缺时仍然是这样渴想神。The cow, chewing its cud in knee-high grass, is utterly content. Yet we thirst for God even in the midst of plenty.

稻草经氨化,可改善反刍家畜对其的适口性,提高采食量和稻草中能量及非蛋白氮水平。The ammoniated straw can improve sapidity of cud chewer, and increase feed intake, the level of energy and nonprotein.

MBA课程的商学院提供的反刍侧重于满足海湾地区目前和未来的需要。The MBA program offered by the School of Business at CUD focuses on meeting the current and future needs of the Gulf region.

目前社会上有些让人担忧的现状,就如老人们被遗弃,孤单一人,这个问题值得我们深思。There are some social status at the present time, such as being abandoned , living alone etc. This will make us to chew the cud.

不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那条老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望着我,嘴里咀嚼着从胃里吐出的东西。No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud.

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但小老头比我更堪忍,他很多时只是躺身那里,咬着孤苦伶仃的嘴唇反复思量。But the little bum had more patience than I had and just lay there most of the time chewing his cud in forlorn bitter-lipped thought.

祝贺中国再次成功进行高科技试验。希望我们在所有技术领域展开合作。COngrats for Chinese govt for carrying out agains high technology experiments. We wish we cud work together in all technology centered areas.

迪拜加拿大大学CUD位于战略性迪拜的金融,商业和旅游区的中心地带,扎耶德路香格里拉大酒店的后面。CUD is strategically located in the heart of Dubai's financial, business and tourist district, behind the Shangri-La Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road.