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但是你必须坚持。But you must persist.

当别人放弃时,妳坚持。Persist while others are quiting.

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但是黄沙尘暴还会继续吹来。But the yellow dust storms persist.

落叶树能抵御寒冬。Deciduous trees can persist winter.

这么看,对位问题依然存在。From there, matchups issues persist.

我希望你们将再接再励。I hope you will persist in your efforts.

——必须坚持统筹兼顾。We must persist in overall consideration.

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要问硪能坚持爱你多久?。Must ask I can persist how long loves your?

坚持用的话是能去皱的。Is able to persist in the words of wrinkles.

坚持进步,反对倒退!Persist in progress and oppose retrogression !

如果你坚持这样的话,他们会迫害你的。lf you persist in that they will persecute you.

他坚持要骑那辆破自行车。He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.

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无论好坏,我们都要坚持学完。We must persist in study on for good or for evil.

为什么你总是认为我的心胸是这样狭窄呢?。Why do you persist in thinking me so narrow-minded?

除非有奇迹,它可以持续更长的时间。Barring a miracle, it could persist for even longer.

血清IgM抗体可能持续存在一年以上。Serum IgM antibody may persist for more than a year.

这种几率甚至会在至爱的一方死去之后一直持续。The risks can persist even after the loved one dies.

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战下去,团结下去,――中国必存。Fight on and persist in unity, and China will survive.

我们只希望我们真的能扛得住这些。We are just hoping that we can persist through it all.

如果没有风将其吹散,这种雾甚至可以持续数天。If undisturbed by winds, such fog may persist for days.