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他们默默点头肯定。They sheepishly nodded yes.

布什羞怯地朝女王看去,女王则透过她黑白相间的礼帽回视了布什一眼。Bush looked at the queen sheepishly.

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少数人会羞答答的说他们正在斟酌他们的选择。A few sheepishly say they are just exploring their options.

“王子有麻烦了,”我弟弟怯懦地解释说。"The prince was in trouble," my brother explained sheepishly.

然后我意识到他们是对的,并且羞怯地承认这一点。Then I realize that they’re right, and sheepishly admit to it.

你怯懦地打算“尝试”去达成你的目标。You are sheepishly going about "trying" to achieve your goals.

“王子有麻烦了,”我弟弟怯懦地解释说。"The prince was in trouble, " my brother explained sheepishly.

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查理羞怯地微笑着说,“我仍然保存着我的赞赏录。Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list."

圣皮埃尔听到斯宾塞女士讲这些的时候也羞涩地笑了笑。Mr. St-Pierre smiled sheepishly as Ms. Spencer recounted the story.

汤普金斯先生不好意思地挪脚开始朝出口走去。Mr Tompkins sheepishly got to his feet and started towards the exit.

“没有觉得,”我羞怯地说道,毕竟我认为诚实是最好的。“Not really, ” I sheepishly finish, deciding honesty is the best policy.

军官羞怯地要求延迟公布他关于投诚的临时声明。The officer sheepishly postponed the announcement of his defection temporarily.

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“我报名参加了一个水彩画学习班,下星期开课,”他有点不好意思地说。"I signed up for a water-color class, and it starts next week, " he said sheepishly.

不晓得是谁家小朋侪弄丢了,很欠美意思,我没有打德律风归去再找这位小密斯。I don't know which little girl might have lost it, and sheepishly I neglect to call to find out.

布什羞怯地朝女王看去,女王则透过她黑白相间的礼帽不动声色地回视布什。Bush looked at the queen sheepishly. She peered back at him from beneath her black and white hat.

布希羞怯地朝女王看去,女王则透过她黑白相间的礼帽回视了布希一眼。Bush looked at the queen sheepishly . She peered back at him from beneath her black and white hat.

乔的父亲,一个愁容满面、口音浓重的农夫上门讨还乔的帽子,我局促不安地还给了他。Joe's father, a worried-looking farmer with a thick accent, asked for Joe's hat. I returned it sheepishly.

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得波儿羞怯的说,关于此事,他还没有听到任何的言论,而且承诺马上调查此事。Yvo de Boer sheepishly says that he has heard nothing about it, and promises to look into it straight away.

“不过,今晚我们几乎是最后的了,”两个男的中的一个怯生生地说,“乐队半个钟头以前就走了。”"Well, we're almost the last to-night, " said one of the men sheepishly . "The orchestra left half an hour ago.

当她在厚厚的有框眼镜后面露出笑容时,我立刻认出了路边那个精神的女人。I instantly recognized the spirited woman on the sidewalk, as she sheepishly smiled behind thick-rimmed glasses.