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狗也许会脱毛,但猫会把布弄成碎条。Dogs may shed, but cats shred.

将青瓜及红萝卜去皮,切丝。Peel cucumber and carrot, shred.

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我先把萝卜洗干净,切成丝。I put the radish wash clean, shred.

取下烤鸭上面的肉,切碎。Remove flesh from rost duck. Shred.

将豆腐及其他蔬菜切幼丝。Shred tofu and all the vegetables finely.

老鼠会扯碎报纸一类的东西。Mice will shred things such as newspapers.

是什么使你扯碎你的餐巾纸?What is it that’s making you shred napkins?

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他们将一堆旧发票送去切成碎条。They send a pile of old invoice to be shred.

金华火腿过滚水后切幼丝。Rinse yunnan ham with boiling water and shred.

如碎裂的闪电和轰雷一声,巨熊显然是个掠夺者。Shred lightning and rayl, the bear is a taker.

将母亲脸上、手上的岁月沧桑抚平。Shred the age from my mother's face and hands.

这台机器可将各种蔬菜切丝切碎。The machine can shred all kinds of vegetables.

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他说的全是骗人话。There was not a shred of truth in what he said.

番茄切粒,紫苏叶切丝备用。Dice tomatoes and shred basil leaves, set aside.

鸡胸肉蒸熟,待凉后撕成细丝。Steam the chicken breast, leave to cool and shred.

胡萝卜、卷心菜和去核苹果切成细丝。Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.

将胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去核。Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.

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猫的撕碎是盗贼背刺的翻版,是要求位置的。The analog to Shred is Backstab, which is positional.

这架食品加工机可将各种蔬菜切丝切条。The food processor can shred all kinds of vegetables vt.

所以请不要给孕期的母犬补充额外的钙质。Give not a shred of extra calcium to the gestating bitch.