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不管如何,你是从哪知道神道教起源资料的?However, where do you get the information from about the origins of Shintoism?

主要信奉神道和佛教,少数人信奉基督教和道教等。Shintoism and Buddhism are the major religions, with minority of Christians and Daoist, etc.

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当今的日本人,在信仰上除了信奉神道以外,还信奉佛教、基督教、伊斯兰教等。Nowadays the Japanese also believe in Buddhism, Christianity and Islam as well as believing in Shintoism.

严岛位于濑户内海,自古以来一直是神道教的圣地。The island of Itsukushima, in the Seto inland sea, has been a holy place of Shintoism since the earliest times.

日本人的宗教信仰有其独特的多样性,与其他国家、民族之间有着本质区别,主要表现在信奉神道。Japanese religious belief is known for its uniqueness and diversification with belief in Shintoism being its main stream.

我觉得佛教比较像是一种哲学而非宗教,神道教则较相似于美国印地安人的泛灵论。I feel that Buddhism is more philosophy than religion, and Shintoism is a kind of Animism like that of the American Indian.

与亚伯拉罕宗教明令禁止自杀行为不同的是,日本主要宗教佛教和日本神道教对自杀行为保持中立态度。Japan's main religions, Buddhism and Shintoism , are neutral on suicide, unlike Abrahamic faiths that explicitly prohibit it.

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我不认为应当小看神道教,尤其考虑到日本对世界的经济和文化影响。I don't think Shintoism should be taken so lightly, considering the economic and cultural influence Japan has on the whole world.

是日本长久以来秉持的文化,希望我们不曾忘记这样的精神。Coexistence with everything is our culture. I hope we don't forget it. I was born in Japan where our basic culture is based on Buddhism and Shintoism.

神道仪式,是对所有具有神道教性质或与之相关的日本传统象征意义的活动的总称。Shinto ceremony is the general name of all the ceremonies with Shintoism properties or related activities of traditional Japanese symbolic significance.

神道教是日本人所独有的宗教信仰,它是在日本固有信仰的基础上不断融合外来文化而逐步发展形成的民族宗教。Shintoism is the unique faith borne by Japanese and has formed a kind of national religion through continuously fusing Japan-inherent faith with foreign cultures.