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你是神经病。You are psycho.

我哪有时间玩什么玄虚?。When would I have time to play psycho?

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没错我是你个工于心计的神经病婊子!Yeah, I am, you manipulative psycho bitch!

乔喊道,“你为什么非要像开膛手杰克那样变态?Why do you have to be Jack-the-Ripper psycho?

将目光从她身上移开,我们不需要表现得像个变态。There's no need to behave like a psycho pervert.

乐队上台的时分,瞧众都象发疯了一样。When the band came on stage, the crowd went psycho.

他肯定是一个以虐囘待他人为乐趣的变囘态。He must be a psycho taking delight in torturing others.

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每当老印第安人乔喝了酒后,他就变得疯狂了。Whenever old Indian Joe drinks alcohol of any kind, he turns into a psycho.

这种心理有问题的女人会打乱你生活和工作中的平衡状态。The Psycho will disrupt the balance you have in your day between work and home.

仅仅是提起你的前女友就会让一个很明事理的女孩变成一个神经质。The mere mention of an ex-girlfriend can turn even the sanest girl into Psycho Chick.

今天我那个有点神经的后妈和我吵了起来,还动手。Today, my psycho stepmother and I got into an argument, and she started to get physical.

我花了将近一个小时去找它,直到我那脑子有点问题的前女友发了张它的照片给我。I spent about an hour sear ching for him when my psycho ex-girlfriend texted me his photo.

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我花了将近一个小时去找它,直到我那脑子有点题目的前女友发了张它的照片给我。I spent around an hour searching for him when my psycho ex-girlfriend texted me his photo.

将目光从她身上移开,我们不需要表现得像个变态。Look at her for a millisecond, and move on. There’s no need to behave like a psycho pervert.

情绪低落时,他常常请心理医生来聊天,之后,他的心境会好起来。When he feels low, he often calls in his psycho doctor, and feels better for a chat with him.

就个人经验而言,这比积极的想法或是精神病控制理论还要重要。Speaking from personal experience, it takes more than positive thinking or psycho cybernetics.

我花了将近一个小时去找它,直到我那脑子有点问题的前女友发了张它的照片给我。I spent up to one hour sealignmenting for him when my psycho ex-girlfriend texted me his photo.

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“我不想杀了你,”希斯。莱吉尔扮演的精神变态者“小丑”对克利斯汀。贝尔扮演的坚毅的蝙蝠侠说。"I don't want to kill you, " Heath Ledger's psycho Joker tells Christian Bale's stalwart Batman.

他像看精神病一样看着我,然后向我介绍他那站在我身后的漂亮老婆。He looked at me like I was psycho and then introduced me to his beautiful wife who was behind me.

由此决定了心理咨询在中国的发展必须经历一个本土化过程。Thus, the development of psycho consultation in china have to go through the process of nativeness.