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含蛋白质的代表食物是大豆及豆制品。Containing protein delegate food is soja and bean products.

大豆浓缩蛋白是一种优质蛋白质资源。Soja condenses albumen is a kind of high grade protein resource.

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那么至少到2004年上半年,全球的大豆供给将趋紧。So arrive at least 2004 first half of the year, global soja is supplied tighten hasten.

因此,人们对大豆抗营养因子的钝化方法进行探究。Accordingly, people fights the passivation method of nutrient factor to undertake study to soja.

根据导管分子演化原理,认为野生大豆导管分子较原始,栽培大豆导管分子的演化地位较高级。G. soja is primitive and G. max is evolutionary according to the principle of vessel elements evolution.

建议服用大豆异黄酮来调理试试,同时注意心理的调节。The proposal takes soja different yellow ketone to recuperate try, notice psychological adjustment at the same time.

并利用大连商品交易所的大豆期货合约、豆粕期货合约及豆油现货数据,对基于资金限制的多品种期货套期保值决策模型进行了实证分析。The paper use the Dalian Commodity Exchange historical data of soja futhures, bean cake futhures and bean oil spot price to validate the decision model.

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在扫描电镜和光学显微镜下分别观察了黄豆亚属3种植物种皮的表面结构和解剖结构。The anatomic and surface structures of the seed coat of 3 species of Soja are observed under the light microscope and the scanning electronic microscope.

再者大豆中含有天然雌激素,这使它具有特殊的药用价值,特别是对更年期妇女尤有好处。Natural estrogen is contained in soja moreover, this makes it has special officinal value, have profit especially to woman of the turn of life especially.

这一空间理论不仅是地理意义上的空间,他认为城市空间在人类生存和发展的过程中有着重要的作用。After Lefebvre, another philosopher Edward Soja extended the scale of space theory and advances the "third space theory" which is a great stride in theory.

我们一起通过把丰饶的土地转化为大豆蛋白产品、食物成分和其他种种,帮助向成长中的世界提供食品。We pass a product of cornucopian albumen of soja of land translate into, food together composition and other a variety of, the help offers food to the world in growing.

大豆是精子“杀手”----项最新的科学研究显示,大豆中的某些成分能造成精子数量下降,从而影响男性的生殖功能。Soja is spermatozoon " killer "----Newest science considers to show, the certain part in soja can cause spermatozoon amount to drop, affect reproductive function of the male thereby.