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这个数量太长了!The quantity is toos mall !

我从这家商场里买了个小戒指。I got a circlet from the mall.

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不要总是去购物商场或者沃尔玛。Don’t go to the mall or Walmart.

汕头南国商城有什么店?Shantou Southland Mall What shop?

在冬日里,我前往这个购物商场。In the winter I head for the mall.

我们可以去新开业的购物中心去购物。We can go shopping in the new mall.

购物中心里有很多店。A. There are many shops in the mall.

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我们在一家商厦里面解决了晚饭。We had our dinner in a shopping mall.

品牌商城,时尚达人,男人衣橱。Brand Mall , Stylista, Man's Wardrobe.

他在购物商场经营一家小加盟店。He runs a small franchise at the mall.

在冷天的林荫道散步。Go for a walk in the mall on cold days.

而且普罗维登斯还有一个购物中心,and also there's the mall in Providence

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小女人世界一个自己的“购物商场”。October First's very own "shopping mall".

豪华购物中心,共有49家店。Luxury shopping mall containing 49 stores.

京东商城也不甘落后。Jingdong mall also unwilling to lag behind.

我想寄封挂号信。I'd like to send a letter by registered mall.

大批顾客涌进新购物商场的特卖会。Shoppers flocked to the sale at the new mall.

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该网上商城将于今年下半年正式上线。The mall should be in service late this year.

导墅镇的中心也有一家大型购物中心。Daoshu Town there is also a big shopping mall.

亲爱的,这个周末北京商厦大甩卖,你要去吗?Beijing Mall is having a big sale this weekend.