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然后你就钻研进去了。Then you just dive in.

鲁尼的跳水将我们置于死地。We lost to a Rooney dive.

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我冲着半开的窗户一个鱼跃前扑。I dive for the open window.

采珠者潜水寻觅珍珠。Pearl-fishers dive for pearls.

与我在深海偎依。Whod dive into the sea with me.

将潜水者带往潜水处的小船。Boat taking divers to dive site.

他愿意与我共潜海底。Who'd dive into the sea with me.

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珮姬很喜欢在夏天潜水。Peggy loves to dive in the summer.

你敢从这座高桥尚跳下去吗?Dare you dive from the high bridge?

闯入了我的心湖。Suddenly dive into my heart of lake.

一只小蚂蚁停下来跳入水中。The little one stops to take a dive.

西恩还违反了他自己的潜水计划。Sean also violated his own dive plan.

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温热的泪水模糊了他冰冷的潜水镜。Warm tears misted his cold dive mask.

你是在那学会戴水肺潜水的?。A. Where did you learn to scuba dive ?

她激他从桥上跳入水中。She defied him to dive off the bridge.

你甚至可以学如何浮潜。You could even learn how to scuba dive.

来赌一把吧让你在混乱中风驰电掣!Gamble, you gotta dive in to a scramble!

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那个士兵急忙冲向散兵坑。The soldier made a dive for the foxhole.

北极熊会游泳、会潜到冰底下。A polar bear can swim, dive under the ice.

之后曾尝试潜入污水坑。An attempt was then made to dive the sump.