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我的这身装束总让店主对我爱理不理。This outfit does not endear me to shopkeepers.

制定时间表也有助于让教授们喜欢上课程改革。Timetabling has also helped endear professors to the changes.

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任何可能令它们不那么讨厌的声音或吠叫都被一段恐怖而静默的潜泳取而代之。Any sound or bark that might endear them is replaced by an eerie, silent swim.

这是西方奢侈品牌向中国消费者示好的一个最新举措。It's the latest move by a Western luxury brand to endear itself to the Chinese consumer.

这并不会让波旁王室对他心生好感,他们把他看做最后一个戴着王冠的雅各宾派。This did not endear him to the Bourbons, who saw in him the last of the crowned Jacobins.

不太正直的同僚们就沉醉于礼物,恩惠,和更奢华的生活方式的诱惑中。less scrupulous colleagues endear themselves with gifts, favours and the lure of an easier lifestyle.

他心里是一个友善的健康价值的孩子和拼搏的精神,让米奇对他所遇见的每个人。He's a friendly kid-at-heart whose wholesome values and can-do spirit endear Mickey to everyone he meets.

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他在中国花的时间越多,就越能得到数百万中国篮球迷的喜爱。The more time he spends in China, the more he will endear himself to millions of basketball-loving Chinese.

这支球队配不上我这样的好教练——无法赢得球迷喜爱的毕尔巴鄂竞技队教练贾普-亨克斯如是说。I'm too good a coach for this team ? Coach Jupp Heynckes fails to endear himself to the Athletic Club Bilbao fans.

他说这将令苹果公司及其最近刚离世的董事会主席史蒂夫·乔布斯受到数以百计中国人的喜爱。Such an offer, he said, would endear Apple and its recently deceased chairman, Steve Jobs, to millions of Chinese.

例如,告诉面试官你为什么讨厌前老板的所有细节不会让你和她更亲近。For example, telling your interviewer all the details of why you hated your ex-boss won't exactly endear you toward her.

你也许会想要指出这样问是不对的,但是这样做决不会让你更讨面试官喜爱。While it may also be tempting to point out the illegality of the question, doing so likely won't endear you to the interviewer.

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祈求全能的安拉喜悦我们的信仰,很好的引领我们的内心,祈求安拉使我们憎恶并避免一切可憎的、不得体的行为举止。阿敏!May Almighty Allah endear faith and good conduct to our hearts, and may He make us abhor and shun all unseemly and abominable actions and behavior.

为了和同事搞好关系,她经常下班后参加他们的豪饮会,偶尔一晚上就喝十瓶。To endear herself to her officemates, she would often join them in after-work power-drinking sessions, occasionally downing 10 boilermakers in an evening.

明显地,任何受困于特定复杂性的技术都使得它自己对开发者来说较少具有亲密性,对于管理来说就更是如此了。Obviously, any technology that suffers from endemic complexity does little to endear itself to developers, and does even less to endear itself to management.

通过提高消费,中国可以减少贸易盈余,并在这个过程中,亲近自己的主要贸易伙伴,特别是其他的新兴市场。By consuming more, China can reduce its trade surplus and, in the process, endear itself to its major trading partners, especially the other emerging markets.

虽然小天鹅的造型,包装,和动力可能不会钟爱它目前阿斯顿马丁所有者,它的绝对排他性可能说服一些人购买反正。While the Cygnet's styling, package, and powertrain may not endear it to current Aston Martin owners, its sheer exclusivity might convince some of them to buy one anyway.

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在讲你过去犯错的经历时不妨幽默一点,说说别人在你犯错之后是如何嘲笑你的,还有你的收获,这些都可能会给面试官留下好感。Adding a humorous story about a mistake you made, how others may have chided you about it afterward, and what you took away from the experience can endear you to an interviewer.