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这一次鳄鱼追逐杰克的狗Minty。This time the croc goes after Jack's dog Minty.

外貌像草根,冰爽的味道与柠檬的口感。Looks like grass, smells minty and taste similar to lemon.

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喝的血是巧克力、薄荷味。The mouth blood tastes like chocolate-y, minty kind of stuff.

具有典型的梅洛葡萄特有的香料、薄荷的清香及成熟的李子浓郁果味。It has the spicy, minty varietal Merlot edge over a core of ripe plum fruit.

薄荷和巧克力,有什么理由不爱这极具季节性的甜点呢?Minty and chocolate-y -- what's not to love about these rich seasonal treats?

酒香中散发着黑莓的香甜而又带有解百纳葡萄特有的细微薄荷味。The nose has nuances of blackberries supported by the minty scent of Cabernet.

这个面膜闻着有薄荷味儿,好闻,清新,我用了有1年了,太太太喜欢了。This mask smells minty yummy and fresh. I have been using this mask for a year.

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有成熟的樱桃、黑加仑子、浆果的香味特征,交织有烟熏味、雪茄、像木味。Aromas of cherry jam and minty perfume are merged with subtle chocolate and tobacco oak.

在这个棕榈树镶边的天堂里,暗绿色的海面上没有人迹。At the edge of this palm-fringed paradise, the sea is a pale, minty hue and empty of people.

没有什么更好的方法使你除掉早晨的口气并且让一天从清新的薄荷口气中开始了。There's no better way to rid yourself of morning breath and begin your day minty fresh and clean.

该酒富有浓郁的浆果和樱桃等水果芳香,以及一丝烟草与薄荷的香气。The wine shows intense fruit aromas of berries, cherries, some tobacco hints and a minty character.

这个让人神清气爽的薄荷香气将会刺激你的头皮,给那些懒惰的毛囊一个很好的激活。The invigorating minty tingle will stimulate your scalp and give those lazy hair follicles a good prod.

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牙齿和口腔里清新薄荷的味道让我不会有再吃东西的欲望。It’s that fresh, minty taste on my teeth and tongue that makes the thought of adding food not very appealing.

我妈突然从后面抱了我一下,薄荷味的牙膏一下子抹在右眼里。My mum came from behind and hugged me, making me accidentally apply minty toothpaste into my right eye instead.

举例而言,薄荷脑添加物能带来清凉的薄荷口感,但也有麻醉的作用,可以让新烟民很快适应香烟的口味,也让老烟民有一种“药物治疗”的感觉。Menthol adds a cool, minty taste, for example, but also has anesthetic effects, helping starters start and smokers get a 'medicinal' feeling.

咀嚼浓烈薄荷味的口香糖是有刺激作用的,而且仅仅是咀嚼的动作对昏昏欲睡的大脑就有点像是某种剂。Chewing gums with strong minty flavors are stimulating, and the mere act of chewing is something of a tonic to a brain succumbing to lethargy.

咀嚼具有浓烈薄荷味的口香糖是有刺激作用的,而且仅仅是咀嚼的动作对昏昏欲睡的大脑就有点像是某种增强剂。Chewing gums with strong minty flavors are stimulating, and the mere act of chewing is something of a tonic to a brain succumbing to lethargy.

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雪松、香草、烟草与咖啡的混合香气,在香甜黑洋李、黑醋栗、可乐浆果、薄荷。Cedar spice, vanilla and smoky toffee aromas from, integrate well with the sweet dark plum, cassis, cola berry, minty and earthy characteristics.

嚼一片薄荷味口香糖会让你吞下大量空气,这些空气困在你的消化系统里,会产生压力、腹胀和废气。Munching 1 ona piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air, whichgets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloatingand gas.

嚼一片薄荷味口香糖会让你吞下大量空气,这些空气困在你的消化系统里,会产生压力、腹胀和废气。Munching on a piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air, which gets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloating and gas.