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他说,该测试符合所有必备的参数。"The test met all the requisite parameters," he said.

对活动的瞻仰大略是一位王妃所必需的。A love of sport may possibly requisite for a princess.

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国家为这个农场提供了必要的资金。The state provided the requisite capital for this farm.

类的壮伟,首要的是要有自傲。Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness.

本药是家庭必备的治感冒良药。Thus the drug may be a requisite cold drug in a household.

说真的,在任何一位上流人士的合适的宅子里,这都是必需品。It was, indeed, a requisite in any decent gentleman's house.

要成大业,自信第一。Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.

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群体产生出一种衡量突现事物复杂性的需求。Mobs breed a requisite measure of complexity for emergent entities.

锑化铟之类的窄能隙材料有我们要的高迁移率。Narrow-gap materials such as InSb have the requisite high mobility.

货币规则是重建美联储独立性的不二法门。A monetary rule is a requisite for restoring the Fed’s independence.

第二方面是仅仅有天赋的人才可达到的成功。requisite for the attainment of such exceptional success as has been

平均每个家庭已拥有一件体育器材。Synopsis. Each family has, on average, at least one sports requisite.

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她期望获得提名所必需的三分之二多数。She expected to achieve the requisite two-thirds majority for nomination.

完成该培训记录簿的内容是驾驶员晋升的必要条件之一。The completed logbook will be one of the requisite criteria for promotion.

第一,以必要的睦邻友好关系是界定前线。The first requisite to good- neighborly relations is a defined front line.

目前电火花加工机床已成为工模具车间的必备设备。EDM machine has become requisite equipment in the workshop of tools and moulds.

为了从死局扳转为快速发展,君需循以下三步In order to move from “stuck” into “rapid progress” the following 3 steps are requisite

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唯一的要求是执政者拥有驱迫人民的必要权力。The only requirement is that the dictator have the requisite power to force the people.

这个流程里至关重要的一点就是得有大量的,足够用来泵注到井下的钻井液。The tough bit is getting the requisite amount of drilling mud far enough down the well.

植物所需的磷素营养,主要来源于土壤内源、外源无机磷。Soil exogenous and endogenous inorganic P is the main source of plant requisite phosphorus.