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请注意800赫兹以上的统一性。Note the uniformity above 800 Hz.

无病虫害,整齐度好,上花率高。No pests, uniformity is good, spend rate.

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最引人注目的还是房屋的千篇一律。Most striking is the architectural uniformity.

住宅区房屋的千篇一律令我觉得糟透了。The dreary uniformity of the housing estate appals.

但不同收入阶层间的一致性更加明显。But more striking was the uniformity among income groups.

大多数趋向文化统一和稳定Most have tended toward cultural uniformity and stability.

促进一致性测试开发中的统一性。Promote uniformity in the development of conformance tests

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测试激光参数对阈值均匀性也有一定影响。Threshold uniformity is also influenced by laser parameters.

在各浏览器中获得接近一致的外观就足够了。It's sufficient to aim for close-enough uniformity across browsers.

结果表明,“燕京”纯生啤酒具有良好的风味质量一致性。Results indicate that Yanjing draft beer flavor has good uniformity.

那位美术家尽力保持他绘画中明暗度的均匀。The artist try his best to keep the contrast uniformity of his paint.

改良单交种的产量、农艺性状、整齐度类似相应单交种。The output and uniformity of modified hybrids was similar to hybrids.

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但是这都依赖于,自然统一性的假设之上。But both of them rely on the assumption of the uniformity of the nature.

基于同样的理由,统一的教学方法和课程也就不难解释了。On the same basis is explicable the uniformity of method and curriculum.

有时,自然选择也是物种特性统一的推动者。Natural selection can also, sometimes, be an agent of genetic uniformity.

均表现负相关的性状是纤维长度与整齐度。These base populations had negative correlation in length and uniformity.

预先安装弹簧钢的支持架。Pre-installed spring steel support wires for uniformity and easy shipping.

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在慢跑时,很明显就能看出两只脚在用力上的不均匀。When jogging, can see two foot's in effort non- uniformity very obviously.

免耕耕作具有均匀合适的播种深度。No-tillage has appropriate seeding depth and its uniformity also very good.

通过选择合适的工艺、控制条件可以改善薄膜的厚薄均匀性。The process is to be optimized for promoting the film thickness uniformity.