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我该跟着李欧波去欧洲吗?Should I go to Europe with Leopold?

利奥波德二世国王,比利时从1865年至1909年。Leopold II was King of Belgium from 1865-1909.

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里欧波是橄榄油季其中一名挑选者。Leopold Botteri is one of the festival's selectors.

公元976年巴奔堡的利奥波德一世成为奥地利侯爵。Leopold I of Babenberg became margrave of Austria in 976.

人群让我感到害怕,我再也没去过利奥波德咖啡馆。Crowds scare me and I have never been back to the Leopold.

林邦目前在整个车手积分榜中以227分领先于182分的白石勇树。Leopold now leads the series with 227 points to Yuki's 182 points.

因为谢尔顿根本就没有一个,吸毒的叫里奥珀德的表弟。太遗憾了。Because sheldon doesn't have A drug-addicted cousin leopold. Oh, too bad.

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图片中间站着的就是国王利奥波德布莱托帝四世,他正在就伤脑筋的臭虫人口泛滥问题发表正式演讲。King Leopold Blattodea IV, center, addresses subjects on the vexing bedbug issue.

正是利奥尔特·莫扎特建议他儿子写几首小提琴协奏曲。Leopold Mozart who suggested to his son that he write a number of violin concertos.

梭罗的思想还直接或间接地影响了缨尔、利奥波德和深层生态学。Thoreau's ideas also influenced directly or indirectly Muir , Leopold and Deep Ecology.

正是利奥尔特·莫扎特建议他儿子写几首小提琴协奏曲。It was Leopold Mozart who suggested to his son that he write a number of violin concertos.

公主夏洛特穿白色的婚纱礼服在萨克森-科堡-利奥波德王子结婚。Princess Charlotte wore a white bridal gown in her marriage to Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg.

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利奥伯德计划在9月份转到哈佛大学法学院,也就是在他去欧洲旅行之后。Leopold planned to transfer to Harvard Law School in September, after taking a trip to Europe.

我们又经过了已经重新开业的利奥波德咖啡酒吧,恐怖袭击时有几个人在这儿被杀害了。We drove past the already reopened Leopold Café and Bar, where several people had been killed.

利奥波德开始有了兴趣。他当时正穿着一件衬衫,干净雪白,熨得平平整整。“你怎么办?”Leopold perked up. He was wearing a shirt now. Clean and white and neatly pressed. "What did you do?""

“利奥波德报告”成为了将外貌管理与生态管理相结合的奠基石。The Leopold Report thus laid the foundations for a merger of facade management with ecological management.

“利奥波德报告”为公园管理局生物专业人员要求改变管理方式助了强有力的一臂之力。The Leopold Report bolstered the efforts of Park Service biologists to change certain management practices.

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在赎金支付之前,弗兰克斯的尸体已被发现,同时被发现的还有一副眼镜,这是它将这起案件与利奥伯德和勒伯联系到了一起。Before the ransom was paid, the body was found along with a pair of glasses linking the crime to Leopold and Loeb.

德国历史学家列奥波尔德·冯·兰克对十九世纪历史学的发展有着最为深远的影响。Leopold von Ranke, a German historian, had the most significant impact on the development of history in the 1800's.

你们不妨欣赏一下李奥波、索绪尔的著作。那个家族有时会出现一些天才人物。Amuse yourselves by opening the book by Leopold de Saussure—geniuses tend to pop up from time to time in that family.