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除了伟大的世尊他自己。Excepting the great sage himself.

除了他弟弟外,他们都是对的。Excepting his brother, they are all right.

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除最后一段外,全书已写完了。Excepting the last paragraph, the book is finished.

除了王同志以外,房间内一个人也没有。There is nobody in the room excepting Comrade Wang.

每个人,我自己也不例外,都必须分担咎责。Everyone, not excepting myself, must share the blame.

除了最后一题外,他回答了所有的问题。He answered all the questions excepting the last one.

除了末了一个问题外,布鲁斯都答出来了。Bruce answered all the questions excepting the last one.

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人人须守法,总统亦无例外。Everybody must observe the law not excepting the president.

人人须遵守法律,总统亦不例外。Everybody must observe the law, not excepting the president.

我们家有七个小孩,除了我之外都是女孩子。We have seven children in my family. All sisters, excepting me.

除了最小的弟弟总是不来,我所有的兄弟每天都来。All my brothers come here every day, always excepting the youngest.

我很快的转回身,准备看见有人拿着枪或刀站在我后面。I turned quickly, half excepting to see someone with a knife or gun.

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除了桥中央的四人之外,其他人都一动不动。Excepting the group of four at the center of the bridge, not a man moved.

包括他在内,只有几个幸存者住在新拓居地。Only a few survivors lacking excepting him were living in the settlement.

包括他在内,只有几个幸存者住在新拓居地。Only a few survivors without excepting him were living in the settlement.

除了银行假日以外,英国海关从周一到周日,每天24小时工作。Customs working hours from Mon to Sun, 24 hours run excepting bank holidays.

我们所有人,甚至对这个主题有所了解的人,都必须认真学习。All of us, without excepting those who know more about the subject, should study.

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除了开发工具和办公产品,我只装了3个其他的应用。Excepting developer and office products, I only have three applications installed.

在美国,除了一些特殊的展览以外,大多数展馆都是免费入场的。Excepting for special exhibitions, most museums in the United States have no admission charge.

结果显示,我国优秀男排队除拦网外,在发球、扣球等方面有一定的差距。The results show that the China's teams are weak in serving, spiking, excepting their blocking.