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对不起,雷威先生现在不在。I'm sorry, Mr. Levi is out now.

在电影里,她由奥利芙·利瓦伊扮演。She was played by Olive Levi in the film.

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利瓦伊把树叶扔在到处是垃圾的草地上。Levi left the leaves lying in the littered lawn.

他是利未人以利加拿和哈拿的儿子。Son of Elkanah and Hannah from the tribe of Levi.

按照他们的家族关系,这些都是利未的亲戚。These are the kindreds of Levi by their families.

利瓦伊的政治生涯来日方长。Levi could have a long political career ahead of her.

有一个利未家的人,娶了一个利未女子为妻。Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman

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他说,双边努力应该以合作为重点。Bilateral efforts should focus on cooperation, Levi said.

这就意味着利未自己也给麦基洗德献了十分之一的物品。That means that Levi himself is giving tithes to Melchizedek.

于是利未的子孙都到他那里聚集。And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.

利维斯与一个名叫雅各布戴维斯一个服装制造商合作。Levi Strauss partnered with a clothing maker named Jacob Davis.

请听列维·约翰斯顿与埃德·皮尔金顿的交谈。Listen to Levi Johnston talking to Ed Pilkington Link to this audio

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西缅和利未是弟兄,他们的刀剑是残忍的器具。Simeon and Levi are brothers- their swords are weapons of violence.

你可以浏览科比·列维在神奇鞋履中发布的模型。You can view these models in our post Amazing Footwear from Kobi Levi.

你使利未支派近前来,站在祭司亚伦面前好服事他。Bring the tribe of Levi and present them to Aaron the priest to assist him.

其实可以说,藉著亚伯拉罕,就是收取了十分之一的利未也纳了十分之一呢!And as I may so say, Levi also, who received tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.

哦,当然,我们欢迎列维来参加感恩节晚餐,佩林对温弗里说。Oh sure, Levi was welcome to come to Thanksgiving dinner, Palin told Winfrey.

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并且可说,那受十分之一的利未,也是藉着亚伯拉罕纳了十分之一。And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.

米莉。道勒在2002年被列维。贝尔菲尔德谋杀的时候才13岁。Millie Dowler was 13 years old in 2002 when she was murdered by Levi Bellfield.

耶稣并非属于作祭司的利未支派,祂是生于作王的犹大支派。Jesus was not born into the tribe of Levi which was the priestly tribe of Israel.