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许多人是文盲。Many are illiterate.

暴力是文盲常采用的巧妙应答。Violence is the repartee of the illiterate.

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他们村绝大部分村民家的孩子都是文盲。Most of those from his village are illiterate.

“我直到十一岁都目不识丁,”她告诉我。“I was illiterate until I was eleven, ” she told me.

反对者则把他说成是关节炎患者和文盲。Defectors have described him as arthritic and illiterate.

希腊人从大约1100年到750年间整体上都是文盲。The Greeks are totally illiterate from around 1100 to 750.

希腊人从公元前一千一百年到前七百五十年,完全就是文盲The Greeks are totally illiterate from around 1100 to 750.

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他们是从印度的贱民种姓中来的文盲妇女。They are illiterate women from India's Untouchable castes.

这表现出来了经济知识的缺乏以及难以接受的愤世嫉俗。This is economically illiterate and disgracefully cynical.

他们说他是个虔诚的穆斯林,不抽烟,不识字。He was a devout man, they said, a non-smoker and illiterate.

她一生没有读过书,说英文带有荷兰语口音。Illiterate her whole life, she spoke Dutch-accented English.

这些参议员肯定是文盲蠢蛋毫无头绪的。These must be some illiterate ignorant and clueless Senators.

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她的母亲是文盲,有着自己的庄园。She was born to an illiterate mother who ran her own hacienda.

我可以走到法官面前,告诉他说汉娜是文盲。I could go to the judge and tell him that Hanna was illiterate.

那些目不识丁的毛拉也会在中国的工厂里像奴隶一样工作。The illiterate mullahs will work as slaves in chinese factories.

律师要这不识字的人在契约上画十字以代替签名。The lawyer wanted the illiterate man to make His cross on the contract.

安得拉邦不像喀拉拉邦,这里一半的妇女仍然是文盲。Unlike in Kerala, halfof all women in Andhra Pradesh remain illiterate.

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宁肯做个罪犯而害怕暴露出自己的无知吗?To accept exposure as a criminal for fear of being exposed as an illiterate?

过去,华西大多数人是文盲、半文盲。In the past, West China most people were the illiterate person, the semiliterate.

我们想来一场自由选举,”一位头发灰白、不识字的阿富汗人告诉我。We want to have a free election, " one grizzled -- and illiterate -- warrior told me.