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美术室。Art room.

艺术史家。Art historians.

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艺术是人造物,艺术包含许多文化包袱。Art is man-made.

你是艺术爱好者?You an art lover?

美术老师马先生。Art teacher Mr Ma.

他的艺术到了火候了。His art has matured.

我喜欢美术和体育。I like Art and P. E.

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一切艺术都是模仿。All art is imitation.

艺术本身就是美丽。Beauty inheres in art.

他由一双为艺术而生的眼睛。He has an eye for art.

美术室在哪儿?Where is the art room?

至于我自己,我教艺术。As for me, I teach art.

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我有艺术在每星期二。I have art on Tuesdays.

这就是生活的艺术。Thatis the art of life.

而你的艺术品仅属于你。But your art is for you.

创作电影剧本是一门艺术。Scriptwriting is an art.

她谈笑风声地谈论艺术。She talked gaily of art.

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谁是你的美术教师?Who is your art teacher?

艺术之苗,卓然成长。Art Miller, stand growth.

好色是艺术,过犹不及。Erotic art is, overboard.