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他们企图教化土人。They tried to civilize the natives.

学校教育使人们文明起来。School education helped to civilize the people.

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大部分来壆滑雪的女孩实际上都是来找男朋友的。Most of the sleet bunnies come here to civilize.

那些设施的目的在于教化民众。Those facilities are intended to civilize people.

学校将会帮忙教化那里的野蛮部落。Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.

学校将有助于使那儿的野蛮部落文明化。Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.

学校教育将有助于使那里的野蛮部落逐步开化。Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.

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那项计划本来为的是“教化”土著儿童。The project aimed to "civilize" Aboriginal children.

罗马人希望把欧洲所有的部落都变成文明社会。The Romans hoped to civilize all the tribes of Europe.

假如你想教育一个男人,先从他的祖母开始吧。If you would civilize a man, begin with his grandmother.

人与人之间关系的文明化,这只是第一步。First it was necessary to civilize man in relation to man.

他们希望使边远地区所有的老百姓都能接受文明。They hope to civilize all the natives in the distant area.

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营造文明礼貌用语的环境,激发幼儿学说礼貌话。Keep a civilize environment and pay attention to kids manners.

传教士们打算去教化非洲的野蛮部落。The missionaries intended to civilize the wild tribes of Africa.

道格拉斯寡妇想要教化我,那我可受不了。Widow Douglas is trying to civilize me?and I won't stand for that.

狼威胁说,如果兔子继续为非作歹,它们将施以管教。The wolves threatened to civilize the rabbits if they didnt behave.

罗马的统治者想要通过教育来教化全罗马的公民。The governor of Rome wanted to civilize all the civilians by education.

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并且要教育菲律宾人,让他们文明化,让他们变成基督徒。And to educate the Filipinos, to civilize them, and make Christians of them.

必须承认那个时候,罗马人帮助教化了很多欧洲人。It must be admitted that the Romans helped to civilize many Europeans at that time.

这出喜剧说的是一个男人力图使一个女子有教养,但最后反倒是那女子使他有教养。This comedy is about a man who tries to civilize a woman who ends up civilizing him.