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而它叽里咕噜,又是大笑又是痛哭,嘲笑着And it jabbers laughing pain-crying mockingly

她的刻度的继母只是取笑她,被告诉她Her wicked stepmother just laughed mockingly and told her

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她看着他的眼睛,用她细长的手指指着他,开玩笑地责怪道。She looked him in the eye and, with a slender finger, mockingly scolded him.

有的士官自嘲为“战场上的老虎,情场上的老鼠”。Some NCOs mockingly refer to themselves as "tigers in war but mice in love."

霍夫曼处身于宴会中,以戏谑的口吻感叹肉体的欢愉。A party is in progress, and Hoffmann mockingly praises the pleasures of the flesh.

现在,当他听见了关于鬼魂的故事最新的钢铁工人,一个年轻人最近搬到匹兹堡,愚弄地笑。Now the newest steel worker, a young man recently moved to Pittsburgh, laughed mockingly when he heard the story about the ghost.

周六,在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆的共和党集会上,佩林嘲弄地声称你不会发现她援引毛或者阿林斯基的观点。On Saturday, at a G. O. P. rally in Anaheim, Calif. , Palin mockingly noted that you won't find her invoking Mao or Saul Alinsky.

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当她告诉雷,这就是她对婚姻的理想时,雷摇着头嘲笑她说,“索要无度。”Pure greed, Lei had said, shaking his head mockingly when she had told him that this was what she had dreamed of for their marriage.

朱加1997年的录像作品“与环境有关”戏谑地颠覆了我们的常识,“鱼离开水真的就活不了了吗?”Zhu Jia's video "Related to Environment" made in 1997 mockingly challenges our common knowledge. "Is it real that fish cannot live without water?

但是她的身份为什么这样重要呢——开玩笑的重要也是重要——很多人明明早就不用凯蒂猫的背包和铅笔盒了。But why is her identity so important — even if mockingly important— to so many people who have long abandoned their Hello Kitty backpacks and pencil cases?

灵魂马上从我的身体里钻了出来,站在身体旁边,冷冷地,并带着嘲讽地看着这身体。Soul immediately went out of my body in which it used to dwell, stood beside the bed where the body was laying, looking down at the body, coldly, and mockingly.

蓝鼻子嘲弄般的模仿20世纪的高雅艺术,大众文化,电视,休闲娱乐,体育观赏以及每日中神圣的仪式等等。Blue Noses mockingly imitate the high art of the 20th century, mass culture, television, glamour, the joy of leisure, the spectacle of sport, the sacred rituals of everyday life etc.

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蓝鼻子嘲弄般的模仿XX世纪的高雅艺术,大众文化,电视,休闲娱乐,体育观赏以及每日中神圣的仪式等等。Blue Noses mockingly imitate the high art of the XXth century, mass culture, television, glamour, the joy of leisure, the spectacle of sport, the sacred rituals of everyday life etc.

不满的人群更注重中国人戏称为“官二代”和“富二代”---第二代,即享有特权的政府官员及有钱人的子女。Increasingly, that grievance focuses on what Chinese mockingly call the “guan er dai” and “fu er dai” — the “second generation,” children of privileged government officials and the super-rich.