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不要对你们的缺点羞愧、要真实。Be real and be unashamed , even of your faults.

作为一种不加掩饰的施舍,这一计划受到很多批评。As an unashamed handout, the scheme has many critics.

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这是缺少神的良善和不羞愧的开放性。It is the absence of God's goodness and unashamed openness.

请您一定毋与流氓杜邦作任何交易!Please must not conduct any transaction with unashamed Du Pont!

发财之后,他们过着荒淫无耻的生活。Having made a fortune, they let a dissipated and unashamed life.

而且,自然呈现的浓郁风情里,一如既往地有暗香浮动。And, as always, in that unashamed offering there is a secret fragrance.

作为一家人,我们喜欢进行开明坦诚的交流。We as a family thrive on open and unashamed communication one with another.

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大卫和其他人坦白承认他们流泪,并不以流泪为耻。David and others were quite honest and unashamed in telling us about their tears.

她是她的原来的有肉感的自我,赤裸裸的毫无羞惧的自我。She was her sensual self , naked and unashamed . she felt a triumph , almost a vainglory.

只见亨利爵士站在那里手舞足蹈、欢蹦乱跳,那股毫无顾忌的狂喜简直就像原始部落的人在跳出征舞。There stood Sir Henry doing nothing less than a tribal war dance9 of sheer unashamed ecstasy.

本店崇尚商誉商德,以期得到问心无愧的满足。We advocate commercial reputation and morality as to fulfill the desire FOR unashamed pleasure.

作为一家人,我们喜欢进行开明坦诚的交流。那是我们最大的优点。We as a family thrive on open and unashamed communication one with another. That is our greatest strength.

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我向墙内张望,亨利爵士正在里面欢蹦乱跳着,像在跳部落出征舞,表现出毫无顾忌的狂喜。I peered over. There stood Sir Henry doing nothing less than a tribal war dance of sheer unashamed ecstasy.

这是军事力量的公开展示,涉及坦克、战斗机,以及3千多位士兵。It was an unashamed display of military force, involving tanks, fighter jets and more than 3, 000 soldiers.

你难道不会良心受到谴责吗,再艰难我都坚持等下来了,我可以问心无愧的笑着死去。Did your conscience string you?I persist in no matter how tough difficulties I met, so I would unashamed when I die.

尽管白宫和克里姆林宫之间关系紧张,但是川普毫不掩饰他对俄罗斯总统普京的称赞。Trump was unashamed about his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin despite tensions between the White House and Kremlin.

游客们最为看重的是一个城市是否有绮丽的自然风光。For travelling visitors, they encounter a spirit of unashamed conviviality which is at the root of this city's addictive nature.

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它被明亮的金色之光给包围着,这朵小花展现出它自己小小的壮丽,而一点都不会感到羞涩,它跟最亮的太阳是一样的。Surrounded by an aura of bright golden light, it exposes the majesty of its tiny self. Unashamed , it is equal to the brightest sun.

任何让人悲伤的理由都应被推迟到明天,或者更远一点。因为人们应该尽情的庆祝冠军头衔并且充分享受欢乐。Any reason for grief was postponed until the following day, or maybe just a tad later, because this title deserved an unashamed bellyful of joy.

在亚拉巴马一条安静的绿树成荫的街上的小餐车里,我们发现了一位父亲坦然地对他年过五十岁的女儿说“我爱你”。In a little Alabama diner on a quiet, tree-lined street, we discovered a father unashamed to say "I love you" to a daughter who was half a century old.