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让我以费雯丽比作你如何?。Shall I compare you to Vivien Leigh?

志薄弱的人,一定不会诚实。——拉罗什夫利。Weak people, must be honest. -- Laroche J Leigh.

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“我感到怀疑,”利·马洛里用浓厚的戏谑语调说。"I wonder, " said Leigh Mallory in a heavily jesting tone.

本和利把我带到宁静的纳拉湾度过一夜。Ben and Leigh took me to the peaceful Nara Inlet for the night.

瓦克斯及安德森在蛋白质晶片的研究上,携手合作。Gunars Valkirs and N. Leigh Anderson collaborate on protein array research.

利生于1900年,剑桥大学毕业后成为了一名出庭律师。Born in 1900, Leigh was educated in Cambridge and practiced as a Barrister-at-Law.

Leigh教授表示,为何身高会成为一种职场优势,还需进一步的研究。Professor Leigh said more research was needed to discover why being tall was an advantage.

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至于1939年那部家喻户晓的同名影片刚开拍时,费雯·丽并未被定为女主角。And when filming of the equally famous 1939 movie began, Vivien Leigh had not yet been cast.

1932年的1月,费雯待在英国泰冒弗阿姨的家中时,认识了赫伯特。In January of 1932 Vivien met Leigh Holman while staying at her aunt's in Teignmouth, England.

科莱中尉独自站在雷·提彬家的车道前,仰望着这座大宅子。Lieutenant Collet stood alone at the foot of Leigh Teabing's driveway and gazed up at the massive house.

第一次世界大战,瑞典是中立国,法、英、德等国在这个国家都有他们的谍报组织。Vivien Leigh and Conard Veidt star in this dashing spy thriller set in Sweden during the First World War.

第一次世界大战,瑞典是中立国,法、英、德等国在这个国家都有他们的谍报组织。Vivien Leigh and Conrad Veidt star in this dashing spy thriller set in Sweden during the First World War.

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迈克李是大师级导演,他凭电影〈赤裸裸〉及感人真摰的〈秘密与谎言〉在康城影展中荣获奖项。Mike Leigh is a master film-maker. He has won awards in Cannes for Naked and his very moving, Secrets and Lies.

自从寻找斯佳丽这一行动胜利告终后,费雯丽就大出风头,让盖博黯然失色。From the moment the search for Scarlet had been triumphantly concluded, Gable had been overshadowed by Vivian Leigh.

1937年,蒂龙•古瑟里在丹麦的埃尔西诺执导了这部戏剧,其中,劳伦斯•奥利弗饰演哈姆雷特,费雯丽饰演欧菲莉亚。In 1937 Tyrone Guthrie directed the play at Elsinore, Denmark with Laurence Olivier as Hamlet and Vivien Leigh as Ophelia.

开场预备队打得有声有色,在利体育中心他们的精细的传球线路非常清晰。McMahon's men made a busy opening to the game, crisply zipping the ball around the immaculate pitch at Leigh Sports Village.

事实上,急诊医学专科利Vinocur说,军事医学专业成长出可追溯到第一次世界大战。In fact, emergency medicine specialist Leigh Vinocur says that specialty grew out of military medicine dating back to World War One.

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事实上,急诊医学专家维诺科表示,从军事医学衍生出来的专业知识可以追溯到第一次世界大战。In fact, emergency medicine specialist Leigh Vinocur says that specialty grew out of military medicine dating back to World War One.

1822年夏,利·亨特动身来意大利,讨论有关一份新的期刊的事宜,这是由拜伦倡议的,要雪莱参加创办。In the summer of 1822 Leigh Hunt came out to Italy to discuss a new periodical, proposed by Byron, in which Shelley was to take part.

利在阿根廷萨尔塔的一座教堂做志愿者,给学校的孩子们做午饭并在英语作业上帮助孩子们。Leigh volunteers at a local church in Salta, Argentina, serving lunch to school children and helping kids with their English homework.