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多萝西对她甜甜一笑。Dorothy smiled sweetly at him.

多萝西以上帝的名义谋杀。Dorothy Murders in the name of god.

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多萝西无意中杀死了东方坏女巫。Dorothy kills the bad witch by accident.

桃乐丝说要来吃晚饭的。A. Dorothy said she would come for dinner.

有没有人知道多萝西帕克是谁?Do any of you know who Dorothy Parker was?

多萝茜惊讶地听着这番话。Dorothy listened to this speech with wonder.

美丽的女巫格兰达向多萝西提供帮助。The beautiful witch Glenda offers Dorothy help.

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你们的女管家决不会是多萝西。I am sure your housekeeper is not really Dorothy.

多萝西在奥兹国吸食过量。Dorothy takes a drug overdose in the middle of Oz.

是在桃乐丝从我的树枝上摘苹果时讲的。I say it when Dorothy picks an apple off my branch.

格兰达知道多萝西真的只想活着。Glenda knew Dorothy only had to truely want to live.

多萝西·海特星期二去世,享年98岁。Dorothy Height died Tuesday at the age of ninety-eight.

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她与多萝西·伯林根继续在英国生活。She remained in England living with Dorothy Burlingham.

桃乐茜所需要的就是知识和红鞋!All Dorothy needed was the knowledge and some red shoes!

可以是弗雷德里克,道格拉斯,可以是多萝西,戴伊。It could be Frederick Douglass. It could be Dorothy Day.

吃罢早饭,多萝西投下了她的重磅炸弹。As they finished breakfast, Dorothy dropped her bombshell.

格兰达需要多萝西杀死另一个女巫和一个巫师。Glenda needs Dorothy to kill the other witch and a wizard.

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当然,你是多萝西哈里斯,我是福雷斯甘。Of course, and you're Dorothy Harris, and I'm Forrest Gump.

休和桃乐西没有必要独自待在帕克里奇。Hugh and Dorothy didn’t need to stay up in Park Ridge alone.

桃乐丝和托托终于回到了堪萨斯,一家人喜悦的团聚了。Dorothy and Toto return to Kansas to a joyful family reunion.