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再生植株根系发达,叶片具三叶特征。The regenerated plants were trifoliate with well developed root systems.

亚非蔓生三叶草本植物,钴蓝色花。Trailing trifoliate asiatic and african herb having cobalt blue flowers.

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野决明属的各种植物,三叶,开黄色或紫色总状花。Thermopsis having trifoliate leaves and yellow or purple racemose flowers.

我们的立场就是如此把标枳牌设计好,并用一些好的工艺进行制作出来。Our position is so marked trifoliate brand design, and produced some good technology.

三叶木通枝条扦插属于综合型生根类型。The branch cuttage of Akebia trifoliate Koidz belongs to the type of integrated rooting.

目的探讨影响三叶木通扦插育苗的因素。Objects To explore the factors of influencing for the cuttage seedling of Akebia trifoliate.

结果表明,以不同枳选系作砧的沙田柚在树冠生长量、早结性等方面有差异。The growth and bearing of Shatianyou plants on different trifoliate orange types were different.

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雌蝇在豆苗之真叶与复叶上产卵或取食时,均对豆苗之真叶具显著偏好性。Females had a significant preference for laying their eggs and feeding on primary leaf to trifoliate leaf of field bean.

以三叶木通果皮为原料,分别采用乙醇沉析法和铁盐沉淀法探讨了提取果胶的最佳工艺。The extracting conditions of pectin from akebia trifoliate koiaz peels with the ways of ethanol precipitation or FeCl3 solutions were studied.

初步判定菌根化枳实生苗抗高温胁迫可能与丛枝菌根真菌提高了其根系活力有关。It can simply conclude that mycorrhizal trifoliate orange seedlings can resist the high temperature stress related to increasing its root activity.

枳砧梁平柚树高、树冠体积、枝条电阻值、枝条节间长度等均明显低于对照。The plant height, crown volumn, tissue electrical resistance and twig inter-node length of Liangpingyou on trifoliate orange are significantly lower than those of control.