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帮你妆点贫瘠的土地。To fertilize the infertile land.

我们皮肤就是角质层薄的原因。Our skin is infertile cause of cuticle.

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这块薄地没有人愿意耕种。Nobody is willing to cultivate this infertile land.

她现在是早期绝经,并且不孕。She is now in early menopause and infertile herself.

那些不能生育的准妈妈们的绝望是一言难尽的。The desperation of the infertile would-be mother knows no bounds.

这个精子群引起的化学反应可以使某一个体精子不孕。It can set off a chemical reaction that makes an individual sperm infertile.

其良好医德及精湛医技给不孕不育夫妇带来了福音。Good medical ethics and superb skills to infertile couples brought the Gospel.

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在1980和1990年代的早期,我们的课余生活是贫乏的。Life outside school was usually very infertile in the 1980's and early 1990's.

一些牙线将帮助减小旧胶粘剂的粘合力。Low doses of aspirin may help infertile women get pregnant, finds a new study.

但是假如种系干细胞过于频繁地发育成为精子,那么男人又可能患上不孕症。But if germline stem cells too often develop into sperm, a man may become infertile.

目的探讨不孕不育人群弓形虫近期感染情况。Objective To observe the short-term state of Toxoplasma gondii in infertile patients.

霍金斯说,在帮助一对不能生育的夫妇拥有自己的孩子后,她有种一种满足感。Hodges said there was also some satisfaction in helping an infertile couple have a child.

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这在毫不相干的可以生育的男性里面是一致的,但是在不育的男性里面却不一样。It is the same in unrelated fertile men, but it is different in the sperm of infertile men.

一个外科手术,把男人阴囊内的输精管切断,使得其失去生育能力。Surgery, performed on a man's vas deferens inside the scrotum, which renders him infertile.

旱地农业生产的主要限制因素是水分亏缺和土壤贫瘠。Water deficit and soil infertile is the main limited factor in arid agricultural production.

与南极水域相比,亚南极和亚热带水域较为贫瘠。In comparison with the Antarctic water, the Subantarctic and Subtropical waters are infertile.

目的分析不同促排卵方法对不孕症治疗的效果及其并发症的防治。Objective To analyze the effects and complications of ovulation induction for infertile cases.

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真正的以他的预测和后九不孕多年的婚姻莉莉安的女儿诞生了。True to his prediction and after nine infertile years of marriage Lillian s daughter was born.

研究者采集了45名不孕患者和70名生殖健康的捐赠者的精浆。The researchers collected semen samples from 45 infertile patients and 70 healthy sperm donors.

在英国,每年大概有6000对没有生育能力的夫妇通过试管受精而喜得贵子。Around 6, 000 babies a year are born in the UK to otherwise infertile couples as a result of IVF.