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在正午休会。The adjourn at midday.

让我们移到大厅吧。Let's adjourn to the hall.

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法庭休庭去吃午餐。Shall we adjourn for lunch?

我们现在可以暂时休会。We can adjourn this meeting now.

这个会议将会无限期休会。The meeting will adjourn sine die.

本法庭暂时休庭,明日继续审理。This court will adjourn until tomorrow.

我们怎麽不搬到本地旅馆去住呢?Why don't we adjourn to the local hostelry?

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我们暂时停止讨论明天再进行好吗?Shall we adjourn this discussion until tomorrow?

主席任何时候都可宣布休会。The chairman may adjourn the meeting at any time.

法官决定审判暂停,而移至犯案现场继续进行。The judge decided to adjourn to the scene of the crime.

一会儿我们会去教堂休息,那里有免费蛋糕。In a few moments we will adjourn to the transept where cake happens to await.

一会儿我们会去教堂休息,那里有免费蛋糕。In a few moments we will adjourn to the transept where cake happens to await.

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我建议今天的会议延期,我们明天上午10点再开,好吗?Could I suggest that we adjourn for today and meet tomorrow morning at ten o' clock?

依照传统习惯,议院在复活节期间应该休会。The house ought in conformity with ancient usage to adjourn over the easter holidays.

开完会后,我们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐。After the meeting, we will all adjourn to the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner.

国会会期一直进行到议员表决的休会日期为止——一般是在年底。The Congress remains in session until its members vote to adjourn — usually late in the calendar year.

委员会决定取消诉讼,承认和同并决定暂时休会。The committee decide to cancel its law suit, approving the contract, and that it would adjourn the meeting.

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在用完餐后,女士们一般会退场,女王的丈夫菲利普亲王则招待男士们喝波尔图葡萄酒或白兰地。After dinner, the ladies adjourn and Queen Elizabeth's husband Prince Philip serves port or brandy to the men.

在法定人数有缺席的情况下,出席会议的大多数董事可以暂时休止会议直到法定人数出席。In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the Directors present may adjourn any meeting from time to time until a quorum is present.

但必和必拓也要求萨省的证券监管机构无限期推迟原定11月8-9日针对Potash股东权益计划举行的听证会.But BHP also asked Saskatchewan's securities watchdog to adjourn indefinitely a November 8-9 hearing on Potash Corp's shareholder rights plan.