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这是传统阐释学观点。This is a traditional hermeneutic viewpoint.

在这个融合的过程中存在着阐释学的循环。In this fusion, there exists the movement of the Hermeneutic circle.

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从法律到具体案件的司法活动就是司法解释活动。The judiciary activity from the law to the real case is the hermeneutic activity.

他的解释似乎不足以说明事情发生的缘由。His hermeneutic apparently the shortage to explain the reason that affair occurrence.

“文法历史释经法”和“以基督为中心的释经法”是否有所不同?Is a "grammatical-historical hermeneutic" different from a "Christ-centered hermeneutic"?

该部分侧重于我国建立释明权制度的现实必要性分析。It focuses on the analysis of the realities necessity of the setting up of the hermeneutic right.

新约对旧约的释经和解释规范了我们对圣经的使用和释经的法则。The N. T. hermeneutic and interpretation of the O. T. norms our hermeneutic and use of Scripture.

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SDA定义的但在其他系教授的课程,如现代哲学和哲学解释学。Courses defined by SDA but taught by other departments, e.g. Postmodern and Hermeneutic philosophy.

本文主要讨论宋代笔记中所记载的训诂学问题。In this thesis, we mainly talk about the problem of Hermeneutic in Literati's Note of Song dynasty.

对现代解释意识的强调,正是徐复观阐释思想的核心主张。To emphasize the modern interpretation consciousness is the core of Xu Fuguan's hermeneutic thought.

而强纲领作为科学知识社会学的方法论原则,其核心是以控制为目标的因果型解释模式。But as the methodological principle of SSK, the Strong Programme's core is the causal hermeneutic model.

最后通过对各章的回顾重述阐释学在翻译华夏古文化中的功效。Chapter 5 is a conclusion that rewords the hermeneutic efficacy in translating Chinese antiquity culture.

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这些意见开启的新方向使人们特别关注读者对解释过程的贡献。These insights open the door for a new attentiveness to the reader's contribution to the hermeneutic process.

这是阐释学的结果,它的产物,不同视域会合的阐释学能得到文章的含义。This is the result, this is the fruit, of the hermeneutic engagement between horizons that results in meaning.

所谓的“实证主义”文体论思想是刘勰对“诗言志”等儒家诗学思想进行重新理解的原因。Liu Xie's new understandings of Confucian hermeneutic ideas are based mainly on his positivist stylistic ideas.

本文认为对宋明理学美学的研究、思考和阐释都应该以此道德哲学底蕴为基础。This dissertation has the hermeneutic base to study the aesthetic of the philosophers in Song and Ming dynasty.

詹姆逊的阐释学本质上是马克思主义的阐释学。Jameson ' s hermeneutic is Marxism hermeneutic basically, his exploring enriches and develops western hermeneutic.

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随着我国民事诉讼模式的转换,我国的释明权制度正在建立和完善中。With the changing of civil procedural pattern, the Chinese system of hermeneutic fight is being created and improved.

很多时候解释是不必要的——敌人不相信你的解释,朋友不需要你的解释。A lot of the time explain is otiose -the enemy believe you of hermeneutic, the friend doesn't need you of hermeneutic.

后现代哲学思想、现象学、解释学是教育叙事研究的哲学基础。Post-modern philosophic thoughts, phenomenology and hermeneutic are the philosophic basis for education narrative study.