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大蕉类似于香蕉。A plantain is similar to a banana.

用芭蕉扇扇,猴扑灭了火。With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire.

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两种疾病正在危害非洲的香蕉和大蕉作物。Two separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa.

它使一个可爱的图片,竹房屋抵销的绿色芭蕉树。It makes a lovely picture, the bamboo houses set off by green plantain trees.

目的研究复方车前草软膏对褥疮的治疗作用。Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore.

目的研究复方车前草软膏对于褥疮的治疗作用。Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore.

它有可能是小鸟路过这里的时候把芭蕉种子留在上面了。They might have come from the plantain seeds dropped on the trees by passing birds.

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车前草穗枯病主要为害穗部,也为害穗轴和叶片。Ears, ear stems, and leaves were the parts easily infected with plantain head blight.

而现在,通常还会在上面撒一些肥美的虾和肉,并参加调味品。Costa Ricans will often have a bit of avocado, fried ripe plantain or cold meat on the side.

我一发枯草热就用车前草代茶饮,这个好东西到处都是,甚至车轮压过的地方都长。I also drink plantain tea for my hayfever, and that's everywhere, even the cracks in the path.

对车前草穗枯病症状进行了系统观察,并对其病原菌进行了鉴定。The symptoms of plantain head blight were systematically observed, ant its pathogen was identified.

然后种子就在树顶上生根发芽,就长成了现在的飞来蕉。The alien seeds thus took roots, sprouted and grew into such big plantain trees on top of other trees.

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悟空把师父安排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan.

大蕉种植者很少注意作物本身,每次只是收获成熟的蕉串。At this point, plantain growers pay little attention to the crop, harvesting every time bunches are ready.

厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉大蕉生产区的种植者正获益于这项新技术。Farmers in plantain producing areas of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela are benefiting from this technology.

与传统的种植方式相比,密植大蕉需要较多的养分。Fertilizer requirements for plantain in high density arrangements are higher compared with conventional planting.

这是一种与传统的大蕉种植方法根本不同的方法。This is an unorthodox method of handling plantain which differs radically from the traditional way of cultivating this crop.

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无论是在20℃下催熟,还是在30℃下催熟,香蕉大蕉均出现了正常的呼吸高峰和乙烯释放高峰。The results indicated that both banana and plantain fruits showed a normal climatic respiration and ethylene release rate at 20℃ and 30℃.

果酱以复合加工效果较好,大蕉与西红柿是较佳组合,其次是大蕉与胡萝卜。The combined processing method of jam had the better effect. The preferable combination was plantain and tomato, followed by plantain and carrot.

通过比较试验研究了大蕉采后呼吸强度、催熟、护色及果酱加工的表现。The changes of respiratory intensity, ripening, natural color preserving and jam processing in postharvest plantain were studied by comparison experiment.